Windows 10: Work Experience for year 10

Discus and support Work Experience for year 10 in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hello, I was wondering if Microsoft offered work experience for year 10 students 15 years old on the week of the 30 June - 4 July. I am taking Computer... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Samantha B-S, Nov 21, 2024 at 2:22 AM.

  1. Work Experience for year 10

    Hello, I was wondering if Microsoft offered work experience for year 10 students 15 years old on the week of the 30 June - 4 July. I am taking Computer Science for my GCSEs as I really enjoy the subject and would like an insight into the type of work that is done. Thank you for your time, Samantha

    Samantha B-S, Nov 21, 2024 at 2:22 AM
  2. hcorfield Win User

    Year 10 Work Experience

    My son is a year 10 student studying year 10 & 11 computing subjects. He would like to know if he can do work experience at Microsoft Melbourne from 14-17 June 2022?
  3. Annie553 Win User
    Year 10 work experience

    Hi! Im 14 years old and I was wondering if you did year 10 work experience at Microsoft. My closest Microsoft is in Enfield town but I am unsure of how to apply if you do offer it and I am also not sure of what work that year 10s would be required to do. Please let me know if it is available and if it is, what I would be required to do and how to apply for it.

    Thank you!
  4. Work Experience for year 10

    Year 10 Work Experience

    I am a Year 10 student studying year 10 & 11 Computer Science. Is it possible for me to do In-store Work Experience in Microsoft Experience Centre Oxford Circus

    from Monday 13th March - Friday 24th March?
    Brian Mpanzu, Nov 21, 2024 at 2:23 AM

Work Experience for year 10

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