Windows 10: Windows 11 will not boot and cannot be repaired

Discus and support Windows 11 will not boot and cannot be repaired in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hi all,not entirely sure how to describe the issue. Attempted to turn on my pc tonight after being away all day at work and initially I got a blue... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by dancastro, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. dancastro Win User

    Windows 11 will not boot and cannot be repaired

    Hi all,not entirely sure how to describe the issue. Attempted to turn on my pc tonight after being away all day at work and initially I got a blue screen indicating an issue, restart, followed by another blue screen.Eventually after a few restarts I received another blue screen indicating: "The operating system couldn't be loaded because the digital signature of a file or one of its dependencies couldn't be verified"Error code: 0xc0000428I then restarted and have attempted the following troubleshooting/fixes: Tried to change memory frequency to the default profile, current is at 3600mhz which

    dancastro, Jan 19, 2023
  2. spy2520 Win User

    boot repairs?

    i updated the bios on my rampage formula. And now for some reason my system automatically boots to Windows XP and i dont have the usual choices of OSes. I have been triple-booting XP, Vista, and Windows 7 for a while now, and i always got the boot screen where i could choose which one.

    I tried putting the discs in and repairing the boot sector or whatever its called for both Vista and Windows 7 and it didnt work. It was kinda automated in that i would choose the repair option and it would automatically pop up that the boot record was missing or corrupt and asked me if i wanted to repair that. It did this for Windows 7 and Vista. Both the partitions are recognized as Windows partitions when using the repair feature. But it still just boots into XP. I can figure it out. I guess i could wipe it and reinstall all 3.
    spy2520, Jan 19, 2023
  3. Windows 10 random automatic repair after changing boot priority.

    Hello. So i have an Windows 10 Pro. Sometimes when i am changing in bios boot order from USB to HDD ( SDD ) windows starts booting with AUTOMATIC REPAIR and then restarting. Is this something with BIOS \ Windows 10 bug related? Tested on pc and on laptop , and sometimes it doing the same.

    Situation on PC first,listen:

    Few days ago after i change boot in UEFI BIOS from USB to SSD.
    Then Windows 10 showed at 1 boot Automatic Repair.
    When starting Windows 10 boot loader starts by "preparing automatic repair" and diagnosing pc.
    Interesting is that if I restart Windows (after procedure mentioned earlier) it will boot normally. This startup problem was occured only when starting system again after shutdown or restarted pc from windows.So i was needed 2 boots to boot properly to windows.
    But on pc, format was needed to remove completely issue and after format is fine.

    Pc :
    2x8gb Kingston Hyperx 1600mhz DDR3
    SSD samsung Evo 250 gb
    4790k stock
    Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2 with UEFI BIOS

    Now laptop with old standard bios:
    On laptop i made the same operation, change boot from USB to HDD and on first boot Windows 10 shows Automatic Repair. But it happened once and i cant reproduce. No format was needed.

    laptop is very old with 2gb ram

    Why on pc format was needed when on laptop not?

    Thanks for suggestions.
    litwicki24, Jan 19, 2023
  4. Kursah Win User

    Windows 11 will not boot and cannot be repaired

    Repair Windows 7/8/10

    Repairing Windows 8

    Further improving on previously deployed OS repair methods, Windows 8, 8.1, Server 2012 and 2012 R2 further allowed advanced repair where an in-place upgrade or total re-install would be required on previous operating systems. In all honesty, before Windows 10 implementation, this was arguably the easiest OS to repair for a couple of years by running more basic commands.

    This has since been advanced to more closely match Windows 10/Server 2016 repairs but with the below information I hope to guide you through performing these advanced tasks more easily!

    Spoiler: Windows 8/8.1 Repair DISM

    If CHKDSK and SFC fail to repair the issues with the system, then it this is your next option and besides restoring from a previous backup might be the second-to-last option before re-installing the operating system. We will utilize DISMfor this next repair option.
    • In some instances, you won't need the OS ISO to perform the DISM image cleanup. You can attempt this on any OS from 8-10 by using the following command in elevated CLI: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
    • In many cases now due to some changes Microsoft made, you'll need to have a copy of the OS ISO available. The ISO will need to be a standard deployment variety that contains Install.WIM in the Sources directory, otherwise the process will fail. Once you have the correct ISO, mount it in Explorer (can do this natively on Microsoft Windows 8.0+), verify the drive letter, verify Image.WIM in the Sources directory.
      • To download a Windows 8.1 ISO from Microsoft, click here.
    • Enter the following in elevated CLI: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:X:\Sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess
      • X = drive letter of mounted ISO. Change to match the appropriate drive letter.
      • Say I had the Install.WIM located in C:\Images, I would type the following command: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:C:\Images\Install.WIM:1 /LimitAccess
    The DISM scan can take a while, often times longer than an CHKDSK or SFC scan. To speed up the process, have the Image.WIM on a faster flash media or on local storage rather than disc media. This will help greatly. In many cases one or two runs of this command will repair most issues I've found with Windows 8/8.1.

    Once the DISM repair process has been found successful, or not, I will perform a reboot. If the repair was unsuccessful, this will be when I attempt a second pass. If the second pass fails, it is time to move onto the next solution.

    However, if the DISM repair passes at any point, reboot the system and then perform an SFC to confirm no further issues are found or need resolved. This step is likely overkill for those not seeking to do optional steps.

    Operating System Refresh

    It should be noted that in the event DISM fails to repair the system, then an OS refresh would be the next suggestion if the deployed that could save the user's files and OS deployment.

    This feature has been an available feature since Windows 8 launched in 2012. The biggest benefit with this option over Windows 7's in-place-upgrade is not necessarily requiring the OS installation media to perform the repair.

    If the system is an OEM, an OS refresh from the OEM partition may mean a reinstall of the OS and loss of user data but the restoration of OEM software and bloatware. But you can still choose a manual OS-only refresh without the bloatware if you take the correct steps.

    The best choice in my opinion is to run an OS refresh procedure from the advanced boot menu or you can run the installation media while in Windows to perform and Upgrade installation, this will keep your files and settings but replace Windows files and components.

    To access the advanced boot menu for Windows 8, there are a several options.
    • When choosing restart from the OS GUI, hold down SHIFT and click restart. This method will work even if you cannot log into a profile on the system which makes it very useful in some situations.
    • If logged in, access PC Settings, and click Restart Now under Advanced Startup.
    • If logged in, open a command prompt window and type shutdown /r /o /t 0 which will initiate a reboot into the advanced menu right with no delay. Without /t 0, there will be a 60-second delay. The number value after the /t is delay seconds.
    Once you've reached the advanced boot menu, choose Troubleshoot. From there you can choose to Refresh your PC, Reset your PC and Advanced Options. For this repair, we want to choose Refresh your PC. It's description reads "If your PC isn't running well, you can refresh it without losing our files." That is exactly what we want to accomplish here!

    Follow the prompts and processes, and after the refresh installation and rebooting, you should be greeted with a login screen back to your profile in your stable OS environment. At this point you should be able to use the system as intended, if in doubt then re-run the SFC and DISM scans.

    In-Place Upgrade

    If CHKDSK, SFC and DISM fail to repair the issues with the system, yet you can still boot to the Windows desktop, then the next option is to perform an in-place upgrade. This is more in-depth than an Operating System Refresh. It re-installs most of the operating system's core image and critical files without losing your profiles, data or programs, but do expect to lose some settings. In many cases this process can fix some major issues and refresh an otherwise corrupt and issue-ridden OS installation back to something stable and usable.

    Time to close the CLI windows and get back into the GUI, unless you want to deploy Windows through CLI. You'll have to source a different guide for that process!

    Requirements to perform an in-place upgrade:
    • Must have installation media that matches the installed OS version and type. This applies to both Windows and Windows Server.
    • Must be able to get to the desktop on the affected system to correctly initiate this process, booting to the media will not allow an upgrade to be performed.
    That last rule is the frustrating part of this repair process if you cannot get that far, backup what you can and do a fresh installation. Otherwise proceed.
    • Start the process by using autorun or manually running setup.exe from the installation media.
    • Windows 8/Server 2012+ can mount ISO's in Windows Explorer, you can use that instead of physical media options to perform this task.
    • You'll come to the installation window, the options will be Upgrade or Custom. Choose Upgrade. This is critical as choosing custom will force you to overwrite, append or wipe out the current install rather than performing any kind of repair.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts, which should be very few for you to interact with. The overall process looks and is the Windows install GUI. Once it is completed, the system will automatically reboot (may need to more than once).
    • After the reboot(s) after the in-place upgrade you should have a fully functional Windows without issues or corruptions.
    Performing an in-place upgrade makes sense, and gives you a stable and clean running operating system when there's an issue or corruption you just can't fix but things aren't broken enough to warrant a fresh installation. The point of this process is to refresh the Windows OS files but retain your data, programs, and settings. That is precisely what the in-place upgrade procedure accomplishes.

    I should also add that this process can be accomplished remotely as well, from start to finish. I have done so with persistent LogMeIn, ScreenConnect and Teamviewer installations on various remote systems I have performed this task on, RDP should work as well. Being able to do this level of repair remotely is a huge benefit to any sysadmins out there looking to keep a client happy and perform that "remote magic" IT guys are known for.

    **If at this point your issues are not fixed, then there is something else occurring that is causing the issue be it Malware, hardware, drivers, etc. Please refer to the OP in this thread to run through some of those tests and diagnostics, or create a new thread seeking help and stating what you've tried.**
    Kursah, Jan 19, 2023

Windows 11 will not boot and cannot be repaired

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