Windows 10: Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over

Discus and support Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hello,Not sure where to start. I have a new Windows 11 laptop. Lately I am having issues where it stops responding this gets worse and worse. When this... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Michael Reisman, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over

    Hello,Not sure where to start. I have a new Windows 11 laptop. Lately I am having issues where it stops responding this gets worse and worse. When this started, it was only happening with my email program, Mozilla Thunderbird. Thunderbird still stops responding every time an email comes in and when I first run the program. However, this week the problem seems to be effecting Windows Explorer as well where my task bar freezes up and I can't select anything. Then it comes back after not responding for awhile. A couple of times instead I got a message that it was not responding and did I want to

    Michael Reisman, Nov 4, 2022
  2. hellrazor Win User

    Survey Reveals Companies' Early Windows 8 Reactions and Plans

    Bull fucking shit.
    hellrazor, Nov 4, 2022
  3. MSRadell Win User
    IE 11 stops responding on a regular basis

    I'm running Windows 10x64 Pro and IE 11 stops responding on a regular basis. If I go to the reliability log I see that it stops 10+ times per day. I'm going to attach the information it tells me about the stoppage.

    Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over [​IMG]

    Also I'm attaching the results file after running the DM_Log_collector provided by this website. Even though it's naturally a BSoD I thought it might be helpful.
    MSRadell, Nov 4, 2022
  4. Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over

    Games Stop Responding 5870 HELP!

    try the card in another machine is all i can suggest now. If it works in that one but not urs then obviously the card is not compatible with your motherboard. Last resort is to tell Asus to go suck on donkey balls and get a different make of board
    eidairaman1, Nov 4, 2022

Windows 11 Stops Responding Over and Over

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