Windows 10: Windows 10 disk partition problem

Discus and support Windows 10 disk partition problem in Windows 10 Network and Sharing to solve the problem; HiSee the images.Notification box is in Finnish language but I try to translate. The box appears after I right click the Matias A: drive and select... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Network and Sharing' started by MatiasMäki-Pollari, Nov 17, 2024 at 7:03 AM.

  1. Windows 10 disk partition problem

    HiSee the images.Notification box is in Finnish language but I try to translate. The box appears after I right click the Matias A: drive and select expand. I would like to use the unallocated space around 300 gigabits to Matias and the rest around 200 gigas to drive C:. If I have understood right, after I have expanded the Matias A:, I must make a new drive or something like that from the 200 gigas - which then can combined with the drive C:?Anyway, that notification box says something like that the 'procedure changes the Matias A: from basic disk/drive to dynamic drive and after that operatin

    MatiasMäki-Pollari, Nov 17, 2024 at 7:03 AM
  2. W1zzard Win User

    W7 Hard drive partition issue

    to get rid of that 100 meg windows partition that setup creates for you on a new install on a blank hdd:

    - press shift+f10 when on the partition management screen in setup <-- this opens a command prompt
    - diskpart <-- start the windows command line partition management tool
    - list disk <--- list the installed hdds in this computer for the next step
    - select disk 0 <- might have to replace 0 with the number of the correct disk
    - clean <-- this will erase all data on the disk you selected one step up- dont use the wrong disk!
    - create partition primary <- creates a primary partition taking up all space on the drive, adjust the command if necessary
    - exit, exit to exit diskpart and the command prompt
    - click refresh in partition manager and select your newly created partition and install to that
  3. Disk management console view is not up-to-date

    i dont know how to fix your disk management, but i can fix your partition problems...

    open up Command Prompt with admin rights. (Right click, run as admin)

    enter in
    list disk

    then find the Disk number for your Raid array... lets call it number 7 ( you can tell what disk is what by the total size)
    type in

    Select Disk 7
    List Partition (will give you a list of all the partitions..)
    Select Partition 1 (im assuming you only have 1 partition on Disk 7) repeat this step if you have more partitions.

    that should get the array up and running ready to use.


    any problems, post back ^^

    Still EDITING *Stick Out Tongue Windows 10 disk partition problem :p

    side question, have you tried restarting the PC?
  4. Windows 10 disk partition problem

    Sudden automatic appearance of disk partition on Windows 10


    Please let us know, if you have made any changes prior to this issue.

    I suggest you to remove the partition and check.

    To delete an existing partition from Windows 10:

    • Follow the instructions from step 1 to 5 from the above section.
    • From the right pane of the Disk Management section, right-click the volume (partition) that you want to delete.
    • From the context menu that appears, click Delete Volume.

    Hope this information helps.


    Guru Kiran
    Guru Kiran G, Nov 17, 2024 at 7:05 AM

Windows 10 disk partition problem

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