Windows 10: View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9

Discus and support View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9 in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; Except for a problem in my main rig... No boot and no fan activity (Z87-Plus) ... I have all things in order to start playing with 9 when it... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Support' started by paulsalter, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Vladimir Win User

    View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9

    Except for a problem in my main rig...

    No boot and no fan activity (Z87-Plus)

    ... I have all things in order to start playing with 9 when it leaks...
    Vladimir, Sep 14, 2014

  2. I'm experimenting with Windows 8.1 in a VM right now, and I'm as surprised as anyone to say "I like it". I will try Threshold as a Consumer Preview (IF !!!! If there is an x86 build). I'll decide which I like better then.
    Jody Thornton, Sep 15, 2014
  3. Flashorn Win User
    I skipped W8 but, will give this one a try.
    Have a good G73JH waiting for this purpose.

    I like a desktop OS to be just that. IF I wanted
    to play around with mobile devices then, I would
    buy one. Not interested in having both on the
    same screen.

    Flashorn, Sep 18, 2014
  4. Pendaws Win User

    View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9

    I think I will wait and see. I have tried Win 8,8.1 and was not overly impressed but, maybe Win 9 will be the fix?
    Pendaws, Sep 20, 2014
  5. Very close between the Yes/Undecided

    Only 1 person has said they wont be getting it
    paulsalter, Sep 20, 2014
  6. I have a dual boot machine with Ubuntu on one drive, and an SSD awaiting W9 so I can evaluate it, so YES!
    kingdomservant, Sep 22, 2014
  7. Tony K Win User
    I think I've read enough where they have improved the Modern aspect of the system a lot more, so yes I'll definitely upgrade. The Store app multi-windowing on multiple desktops is a huge plus for both sides. I'll try it, but I don't think I'll use the new Start Menu, so I'll continue to use the Start Screen.

    I'll be dual booting with my 8.1Pro until final release.

    A little over a week and counting down! *Dinesh
    Tony K, Sep 22, 2014
  8. BunnyJ New Member

    View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9

    I think I'm thinking the same way you are on this. I was around 90% certain but now I'm at 98% and if my test works out then it's a done deal. It's going to be fun to test out Win9!! *Thumbs
    BunnyJ, Sep 22, 2014
  9. Still waiting for one final bit of info before making my decision (hopefully mentioned soon), if this is reasonable then I will definitely be upgrading

    How many ££ is it going to cost me
    paulsalter, Sep 22, 2014
  10. Tony K Win User
    Yes, I think both camps will be happy, but still left to "debate" which aspect of the system is quicker to use. *Tongue
    Tony K, Sep 22, 2014
  11. I know which aspect of the system I will use *Smile

    But I have read on other sites this option might not exist in final version
    paulsalter, Sep 22, 2014
  12. CountMike New Member
    So few more days and we can expect "Windows 9 Hate Club"-s popping all over the place.
    CountMike, Sep 22, 2014
  13. BunnyJ New Member

    View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to Windows 9

    Yes,, just as it occurred when Win8 came out.
    My thought for the day, if you don't like it why complain.. no one is forcing you to use it.
    BunnyJ, Sep 22, 2014
  14. Tony K Win User
    Hopefully those that preview/test it will get a free license.

    I know you have 8.1 on your tower and a WP8.1, but not sure how much Modern you use. Which aspect might not exist in final version? Would you please expound on both? Just curious is all.
    Tony K, Sep 22, 2014
  15. Tony K Win User
    The forum will definitely get too hot for the touch. *Wink

    Same thoughts here almost daily. *Biggrin
    Tony K, Sep 22, 2014

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