Windows 10: Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM...

Discus and support Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM... in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hello peeps out there!So the other day, I was working on my computer. Out of nowhere I saw my browser crashing with just 4 tabs opened. I investigated... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by DevashishBhor, Jun 25, 2024 at 3:32 AM.

  1. Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM...

    Hello peeps out there!So the other day, I was working on my computer. Out of nowhere I saw my browser crashing with just 4 tabs opened. I investigated and found that my ram was already occupied by 50-60% where not a single application was opened. "NOT A SINGLE", not even file explorer neither notepad. And the Antimalware Service Executable came to my notice when it was on top of task if I order the task by memory in Descending order. For a couple of minutes, I thought there might be some malware/PUPs that Defender have noticed and is working on, so I left it running and waited it to end. But i

    DevashishBhor, Jun 25, 2024 at 3:32 AM

  2. Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory

    Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory , did all the solutions suggested on internet still problem is not resolved .!
    Hitesh Yadav1, Jun 25, 2024 at 3:35 AM
  3. Antimalware Service Executable problem

    I was having the same issue like for weeks on my HP Probook Ci5 12GB, the Antimalware Service Executable process was eating up massive CPU, DISK and RAM. After all the hard time I got searching the solution I finally landed on

    article which helped me.
  4. Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM...

    Antimalware service executable high ram usage

    So my antimalware service executable(MsMpEng.exe) is using around 200mb ram and slowly keeps going up the longer my pc is on.

    Ive added it to the list of exclusions and unchecked all conditions in task scheduler. Can someone tell me how to reduce the ram usage without disabling it? Because i dont have any other antivirus.

Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM...

  1. Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM... - Similar Threads - Suddenly Antimalware Service

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    Suddenly Antimalware Service Executable started running continuously and more than 50% RAM...: Hello peeps out there!So the other day, I was working on my computer. Out of nowhere I saw my browser crashing with just 4 tabs opened. I investigated and found that my ram was already occupied by 50-60% where not a single application was opened. "NOT A SINGLE", not even file...
  3. Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory

    in Windows 10 Gaming
    Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory: Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory , did all the solutions suggested on internet still problem is not resolved .!
  4. Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory

    in Windows 10 Software and Apps
    Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory: Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory , did all the solutions suggested on internet still problem is not resolved .!
  5. Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory

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    Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory: Antimalware service executable is taking 50% of memory , did all the solutions suggested on internet still problem is not resolved .!
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  10. Antimalware Service Executable using more memory than usual

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