Windows 10: Problem with client certificate

Discus and support Problem with client certificate in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hi every oneI am currently having a problem with the certificate working on windows 10 and windows 11 clients. user after login and the computer shows... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Hai Nguyen Ngoc, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. Problem with client certificate

    Hi every oneI am currently having a problem with the certificate working on windows 10 and windows 11 clients. user after login and the computer shows this certificate even though no action has been taken. This error appears on many users in the domain, has anyone encountered this error or know how to fix this error?Some users display this certificate, but some users display another certificate, it is not certain that there is a certificate for the particular website.

    Hai Nguyen Ngoc, Feb 24, 2023
  2. 1one.w01f Win User

    Certificate Templates on the client side


    Good day to you all! I hope this is the right place to ask this.

    I have a few questions related to how certificate templates are being stored and distributed under AD CS:

    • How do the clients get a list of applicable certificate templates from the enterprise CA, which is shown at the time when a new manual certificate enrollment is performed (e.g., someone goes to certmgr and request for a new certificate)?
    • How are certificate templates being stored on both the CA side and the client side? Is there a directory that the templates reside in? Or are they just a collection of Windows registries (e.g. Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\CertificateTemplateCache
      under HKCU and HKLM)?
    • Is it possible to programmatically read and parse certificate templates on the client side, ideally via some Microsoft provided public API? I am asking this because sometimes it is useful to check, verify and debug that

      a) clients are getting all the expected templates;

      b) the content of templates are as expected (particularly useful if there were templates of duplicated names, or an old template has its setting changed but the name is kept);

      c) applicable clients are indeed getting the same list of templates.
    Please bear with me as I am a rookie to AD CS.

    1one.w01f, Feb 24, 2023
  3. Lumia 950 & S/MIME Email – certificate & sending problems

    Dear Hubert.

    Maybe an outsider suggestion: If you use Mail client on Windows 10 PC (NOT an Outlook 2016 from Office), or Outlook on an Android or iOS device, with proper certificates installed, do you experience the same problems? If no, this would be the way to separate
    certificate, Outlook mail client and OS problem.

    Kind regards

    MarcinBalcerzyk, Feb 24, 2023
  4. Borg 386 Win User

    Problem with client certificate

    eDellRoot Certificate Problem: Patch Available To Fix It Now ?

    Glad you got it sorted.

    As soon as a patch is available for the second problem, I or someone will post it. There is a fix for the second problem available now, but thus far it involves manually removing it. Have a look at this article if you want to give it a try.

    Second Dell Root Certificate Problem Discovered; How To Check For And Remove eDellRoot And DSDTestProvider Security Risks
    Borg 386, Feb 24, 2023

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