Windows 10: Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros

Discus and support Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Honestly this happen randomly after a month of my pc working fine, reddit told me to grab my mini dump and post it here but i cant upload files, any... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by ismael lopez2, Jul 14, 2024.

  1. Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros

    Honestly this happen randomly after a month of my pc working fine, reddit told me to grab my mini dump and post it here but i cant upload files, any help please

    ismael lopez2, Jul 14, 2024
  2. zinou Win User

    5 min delay on cold start between login screen and bg screen

    Ok, let the powershell command run overnight
    If the command didn't solve the problem, the try these steps in order:

    1. Disable superfetch service
      • Empty the following folder c:\Windows\Prefetch\
      • Restart the computer
      • Si ça ne marche pas, passer à l'étape 2;
    2. Disable the AppXSvc from the registry: change the "Start" key value from 3 to 4 (see the screenshot)

    Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros 179492d1520197201t-5-min-delay-cold-start-between-login-screen-bg-screen-capture1.png

    Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros 179491d1520197173t-5-min-delay-cold-start-between-login-screen-bg-screen-capture.png
    zinou, Jul 14, 2024
  3. mora67 Win User
    5 min delay on cold start between login screen and bg screen

    After overnight looks

    Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros 179526d1520224099t-5-min-delay-cold-start-between-login-screen-bg-screen-powershell_window2.jpg
    mora67, Jul 14, 2024
  4. Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros

    PC Build Steps

    Ok just because I like steps i am going to create some steps. Please give me the stamp of approval/disapproval
    • Install system in case
      • Remember to connect SSD and optical to same SATA ports on motherboard
    • Turn on PC
    • setup HDD
    • run blend test in prime95 for 30-60 min
      • run realtemp at the same time
    • While in Prime95 test
      • if CPU goes above 70c in RealTemp, I have a leaky CPU
      • if my system locks up or blue screens, there is an instability in the system somewhere
      • if my system does not lock up or blue screen, my CPU is not damaged and I am in the clear!
    What do you guys think??
    anandsap123, Jul 14, 2024

Pc will blue screen every 5 mins with different erros

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