Windows 10: PC keeps crashing kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002

Discus and support PC keeps crashing kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002 in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hi Ive been having issue later with my PC randomly crashing , its coming up with error 0x8000400000000002Ive done multiple reinstalls of software and... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Luke Kelly-Bostock, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. PC keeps crashing kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002

    Hi Ive been having issue later with my PC randomly crashing , its coming up with error 0x8000400000000002Ive done multiple reinstalls of software and just done a full reinstall of windows 11.There is no reasoning behind the crashes as it will crash if on PDF or middle of a game.Any help would be great - <Event xmlns="">- <System> <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}" /> <EventID>41</EventID> <Version>9</Version> <Lev

    Luke Kelly-Bostock, Nov 24, 2023
  2. ribhinnog Win User

    PC keeps crashing (kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002)

    so my PC keeps crashing with seemingly no reason eversince the May genral win update (win10). up until that point it was running perfectly and there wasn't any changes in softwares for a good while before that. since then, I tried everything, and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. I tried clean installing windows myself, took it to a professional to fix it when it didn't help, they did another clean instal without the update (that I couldn't remove myself because it was buggy) and it keeps happening. I tried SFC and DCIM (it fixed some corrupted files at some point but it finds nothing else these days), updated some drivers and did pretty much everything that I could find on the internet. yet, the issue is the same. I'm at my 3rd clean win instal right now and it's annoying.

    so the error I keep getting is this: kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002

    it's totally random when it happens, it's not software or time specific, sometimes it doesn't even happen for a day or two and then other times it happens ever 5 mins, so I'm at complete loss.

    if anyone could offer any solutions I would be most appreciative.
    ribhinnog, Nov 24, 2023
  3. My laptop crashing with Kernel-Power 41 (0x8000400000000002)

    My laptop crashing with no specific reason, and being blue screen for quite a few seconds.

    I also provide the minidump files, which maybe help for investigation :

    I hope someone can indetify my crash problem.

    And here is the details of crashing from Event Viewer:

    [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power

    [ Guid] {331c3b3a-2005-44c2-ac5e-77220c37d6b4}

    EventID 41

    Version 8

    Level 1

    Task 63

    Opcode 0

    Keywords 0x8000400000000002

    EventRecordID 52702



    BugcheckCode 292

    BugcheckParameter1 0x10

    BugcheckParameter2 0x0

    BugcheckParameter3 0x0

    BugcheckParameter4 0x0

    SleepInProgress 0

    PowerButtonTimestamp 0

    BootAppStatus 0

    Checkpoint 0

    ConnectedStandbyInProgress false

    SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 71

    CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0

    BugcheckInfoFromEFI true

    CheckpointStatus 0

    CsEntryScenarioInstanceIdV2 0

    LongPowerButtonPressDetected false
    maulananrh, Nov 24, 2023
  4. PC keeps crashing kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002

    Kernel-Power event id 41. BugcheckCode 0


    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    In-order to get more clarity on this issue and to assist you with appropriate troubleshooting steps, reply with answers to the below questions:

    1. Are you aware of any changes made on your PC, prior to this issue?
    2. Is this issue specific while playing a particular game?
    3. Which edition of Windows are you currently using?

    A Kernel Power Event 41 can occur in the following scenarios.

    Scenario 1: The computer restarts, and there is a Stop error BugcheckCode in the event data.

    Scenario 2: The computer is shut down by pressing and holding the power button.

    Scenario 3: The system randomly restarts and no Stop error BugcheckCode is listed, or the computer is completely unresponsive (hard hang).

    I suggest you refer the article on Kernel
    Power Event ID 41
    and follow the steps for the scenario that is causing this error on your PC.

    Additionally, you can refer the article on Windows
    Kernel event ID 41 error "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first" in Windows

    and check if that helps.


    Sandeep Kumar M

    Microsoft Community – Moderator
    Sandeep_KM, Nov 24, 2023

PC keeps crashing kernel-power 41 / 0x8000400000000002

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