Windows 10: Not Sure Whats Wrong.

Discus and support Not Sure Whats Wrong. in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; So I bought a new pc around easter this year, got windows 11 for it. Everything worked fine from the start, then from no where stuff started acting... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Emil Olsson1, May 14, 2024.

  1. Not Sure Whats Wrong.

    So I bought a new pc around easter this year, got windows 11 for it. Everything worked fine from the start, then from no where stuff started acting weird. I cant switch between apps by using the taskbar, I cant play music on spotify/soundcloud, it either just pause and unpause super super quick, like 10 times a sec or it instantly skip songs forever. Whenever I start my pc it starts spotify with it I even turned off autostart for spotify and when it does it puts it at the loudest volume and starts skipping/pausing songs super quick. Youtube works fine. If im using any internet app such as

    Emil Olsson1, May 14, 2024

  2. help to remote connect

    not sure how to use both programs u 2 suggested, i need more helpful steps thanks
    Corduroy_Jr, May 14, 2024
  3. Farvatten Win User
    Help Me Understand What I'm Doing Wrong

    I may be missing something, but I think what's being suggested is you use the arrow to choose another different method other then 'phone number' such as email or an authentication app, whatever's on the drop down list that's not a phone number.
    Not Sure Whats Wrong. 390069d1682991120t-help-me-understand-what-im-doing-wrong-identityoptions.jpg
    Farvatten, May 14, 2024
  4. Not Sure Whats Wrong.

    Screen tearing not sure of cause

    You posted a lot of information. That isn't a bad thing, but I would say a good chunk of people coming into the thread are going to be put off by it.

    What I would suggest is taking the information you have there and short-handing it. People find it more readable to go down through a list of what has occurred and what you've done about it so far.

    I'm sure someone will be along to help. That your mobo threw a beep code suggesting memory, and you ran 4 passes on it (MemTest?) without any problems, maybe you're looking at a problem with the mobo.

    Again, try and shorthand your post.
    OnePostWonder, May 14, 2024

Not Sure Whats Wrong.

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