Windows 10: Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure,

Discus and support Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; I am getting a moderate number of BSOD crashes, but not always for the same reason. I did a clean install of the latest nvidia drivers (drivers and... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by 200qa200k, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. 200qa200k Win User

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure,

    I am getting a moderate number of BSOD crashes, but not always for the same reason. I did a clean install of the latest nvidia drivers (drivers and phys-x only) and also ran memtest86 overnight with no errors. But still get random BSODs. I also get a lot of errors in the event viewer, though I am not sure if that is related....

    Last month I received help from this forum to solve repeated d DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE crashes, which turns out was related to my mis-installation of the nvidia drivers (not installing phys-x), but these crashes seems to be different.

    As always, a big TIA for any help


    200qa200k, Nov 9, 2015

  2. Windows 10 errors, recurring restarts

    I had Windows 8.1 until July or August when I upgraded to Windows 10. I had no problems upgrading and no problems after until just recently (right around November 23rd or so). Since then, I've had a total of 3 different errors popping up at different times,
    one of them almost crashed my computer. Luckily, I was able to recover from a back up saved to my hard drive and I haven't experienced the same error since. The reason I'm writing this now is because a new error came up today (part of the 3 I mentioned before)
    that came up as Driver_Power_State_Failure. I tried looking it up and I haven't been able to figure out what the problem is. Previous errors I've had is Memory_Management and IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal. The Memory_Management one almost crashed my computer. Can
    someone help me with these so I can prevent these from popping up in the future? If not, I'm going to have to revert back to Windows 8.1 so I can at least still do what I want to do without so many errors.
    LordoftheWind1, Nov 9, 2015
  3. Lots of BSOD's

    PS: after my previous/last replie i had 3 more BSOD's:

    seems like there are a lot of random once...

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT win32kbase.sys

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT ntoskrnl.exe

    florian de graef, Nov 9, 2015
  4. axe0 New Member

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure,

    Hi 200qa200k,

    Please check your software for updates!

    You have performed MemTest86 or MemTest86+? How many passes?
    What is the frequency and voltage of the memory according to your BIOS?

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Diagnostics Test
    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Run SeaTools to check the integrity of your HDD.

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Note Do not run SeaTools on an SSD as the results will be invalid.

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Run chkdsk

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Run HDTune to scan for errors, health and benchmark.
    Let me know what the results are, prefered screenshots.

    Code: 2: kd> k Child-SP RetAddr Call Site ffffd000`20848cb8 fffff802`57431179 nt!KeBugCheckEx ffffd000`20848cc0 fffff802`5738472a nt!MiValidatePagefilePageHash+0x285 ffffd000`20848d80 fffff802`57243232 nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x1582a ffffd000`20848ed0 fffff802`5723293d nt!MiIssueHardFault+0x1b2 ffffd000`20848fb0 fffff802`573693bd nt!MmAccessFault+0x39d ffffd000`20849100 fffff802`57334280 nt!KiPageFault+0x13d ffffd000`20849290 fffff802`572d46f4 nt!RtlDecompressBufferXpressLz+0x50 ffffd000`208492b0 fffff802`5732425e nt!RtlDecompressBufferEx+0x64 ffffd000`20849300 fffff802`5732409e nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmSinglePageCopy+0x186 ffffd000`208493e0 fffff802`57323ea5 nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmSinglePageTransfer+0xb6 ffffd000`20849440 fffff802`57323bdd nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmpSinglePageRetrieve+0x1e1 ffffd000`208494e0 fffff802`5732329d nt!ST_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::StDmPageRetrieve+0xc1 ffffd000`208495a0 fffff802`573231d1 nt!SMKM_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::SmStDirectReadIssue+0x91 ffffd000`20849610 fffff802`5728f925 nt!SMKM_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::SmStDirectReadCallout+0x19 ffffd000`20849640 fffff802`573230e3 nt!KeExpandKernelStackAndCalloutInternal+0x85 ffffd000`20849690 fffff802`57321ba8 nt!SMKM_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::SmStDirectRead+0xb7 ffffd000`20849760 fffff802`5732184f nt!SMKM_STORE<SM_TRAITS>::SmStWorkItemQueue+0x1c8 ffffd000`208497c0 fffff802`5731f9f1 nt!SMKM_STORE_MGR<SM_TRAITS>::SmIoCtxQueueWork+0xc7 ffffd000`20849850 fffff802`5731f885 nt!SMKM_STORE_MGR<SM_TRAITS>::SmPageRead+0x165 ffffd000`208498d0 fffff802`57244f81 nt!SmPageRead+0x75 ffffd000`20849910 fffff802`572431e8 nt!MiIssueHardFaultIo+0x129 ffffd000`20849990 fffff802`5723293d nt!MiIssueHardFault+0x168 ffffd000`20849a30 fffff802`573693bd nt!MmAccessFault+0x39d ffffd000`20849b80 fffff801`be8a4a74 nt!KiPageFault+0x13d ffffd000`20849d10 fffff801`be8a464b NTFS!NtfsLookupRealAllocation+0x1c4 ffffd000`20849e90 fffff801`be8a41ba NTFS!NtfsLookupAllocation+0x57 ffffd000`20849f40 fffff801`be8a39cf NTFS!NtfsPrepareSimpleBuffers+0x17a ffffd000`2084a010 fffff801`be8a2b46 NTFS!NtfsPrepareBuffers+0xbb ffffd000`2084a080 fffff801`be8a0f29 NTFS!NtfsNonCachedIo+0x2f6 ffffd000`2084a2f0 fffff801`be8a0312 NTFS!NtfsCommonRead+0x9f9 ffffd000`2084a490 fffff801`be1051c4 NTFS!NtfsFsdRead+0x1f2 ffffd000`2084a710 fffff801`be103a16 FLTMGR!FltpLegacyProcessingAfterPreCallbacksCompleted+0x2a4 ffffd000`2084a790 fffff802`57244c98 FLTMGR!FltpDispatch+0xb6 ffffd000`2084a7f0 fffff802`57244f14 nt!IoPageRead+0x258 ffffd000`2084a850 fffff802`572431e8 nt!MiIssueHardFaultIo+0xbc ffffd000`2084a8d0 fffff802`5723293d nt!MiIssueHardFault+0x168 ffffd000`2084a9b0 fffff802`573693bd nt!MmAccessFault+0x39d ffffd000`2084ab00 00000000`5a874396 nt!KiPageFault+0x13d 00000000`00a5f694 00000000`00000000 0x5a874396[/quote]
  5. 200qa200k Win User
    Hello axe0

    Thank you for your reply and suggestions.

    In order of your suggestions and questions:

    1. I ran memtest86 v4.3.7 (not plus). Not sure how many passes, but it ran continuously overnight (about 7 hours) without error

    2. The memory frequency is 1600 Mhz and the DRAM voltage is 1.52 v

    3. Seatools short test ran without error in both windows and dos mode (windows mode result in attached)

    4. Chkdis ran without error on both hard disks. I did not run it on the SSD (screenshot attached)

    5. HDtune ran without error on both HDDs and the SDD (screenshot attached)

    So, so far, it seems that the system should be healthy..very curious..

    Thank you again for your help

    200qa200k, Nov 11, 2015
  6. axe0 New Member
    I don't know what DDR you run with your memory, but if it is DDR3 I recommend running MemTest86+

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Diagnostic Test
    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Run MemTest86+ - Test RAM - Windows 10 Forums

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]
    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure, [​IMG]

    MemTest86+ needs to be run for at least 8 passes for conclusive results. Set it running before you go to bed and leave it overnight. We're looking for zero errors here. Even a single error will indicate RAM failure.
  7. 200qa200k Win User

    I ran memtest86+ 5.01 overnight, and after 7 passes, there were zero errors. I will run it again to get 8 passes ( i mis-read your instructions and did not run the full 8 passes).

    One thing I missed in your original note - was there any specific software you think I should update? Windows is fully up to date.

    thank you!

    200qa200k, Nov 12, 2015
  8. axe0 New Member

    Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure,

    There are many programs with drivers that need updating. That is why I made it general.
  9. 200qa200k Win User
    Is there a driver scan utility that you recommend/like?

    200qa200k, Nov 12, 2015
  10. axe0 New Member
    Those who know / have experience with these programs, like myself, won't recommend any.
    Such programs causes problems when you 'accidentally' install drivers.

Memory_management, driver_power_state_failure,

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