Windows 10: Macro help vba 123

Discus and support Macro help vba 123 in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Test vvba Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Mr. Bluemaxx, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. Macro help vba 123

    Test vvba

    Mr. Bluemaxx, Feb 9, 2023
  2. desbest Win User

    Need help with using vba macro to align graphic to top right of page

    I need help with using a vba macro to align a graphic (or shape) to the top right of the page.

    See the difference between what happens when I use the macro, and what happens when I manually do the multiple commands from the ribbon. I created the macro using the record feature.

    The macro makes the item go off the page which is undesired behaviour, which is not what happened when I recorded the macro.

    Macro help vba 123 341342d1627063210t-need-help-using-vba-macro-align-graphic-top-right-page-word-shape-align-macro.gif

    Why isn't it working? I recorded the macro correctly. Is there any vba code I need to change or add to it?

    I'm using Microsoft Office 2007
    desbest, Feb 9, 2023
  3. Macros (VBA) function in window phones

    I am looking for Macros (VBA) to operate in window phones. That will boost up productivity drastically. As, for many of the jobs, customized reports can be taken on phone itself making on-the-way time utilization.

    Thanks ...


    Sanjay Kulkarni

    *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
    sanjaykulkarni_912, Feb 9, 2023
  4. johnhoh Win User

    Macro help vba 123

    suppress screen update in Smartsuite 9.8/Lotus 123 macro execution

    This is a two part question:

    1) Does anyone know if a lotus 123 or smartsuite user forum still exists? Can't find one but this question would surely be answered there. I realize very few people still use it, but anyway.....

    2) I use lotus 123 daily and have since it came out, not gonna stop. Every day I execute a lotus 123 macro that downloads about 25000 lines of detailed heart rate data from fitbit and performs several operations on it including a sort. I want to speed up the macro. The macro finishes in under one second if there are no other lotus 123 files open in the background. But usually I do have a few other files open, in which case the macro takes up to a minute to finish. I believe that if I suppress screen updating within the macro while it is executing, that will speed it up, but do not know how. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!

    EDIT: Found my answer but it did not help. I found this guide
    Platform PDF Viewer | ILIDE.INFO

    which says to use the {windowsoff} command to disable screen updating while the macro is executing. So I did that and it did disable screen updating however the macro still runs slowly when other .123 files are in the background (the version of 1-2-3 I'm running is lotus smartsuite v9.8, which allows multiple .123 files to be loaded in memory at once). So still looking for ideas to fix the slowness.
    johnhoh, Feb 9, 2023

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