Windows 10: Kernel Power Error 41 BSOD

Discus and support Kernel Power Error 41 BSOD in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; My computer seems to randomly crash every so often. Sometimes it just black screens and restarts without a BSOD, sometimes it has a BSOD. The error... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Damian Zhao, Nov 20, 2024 at 10:12 AM.

  1. Kernel Power Error 41 BSOD

    My computer seems to randomly crash every so often. Sometimes it just black screens and restarts without a BSOD, sometimes it has a BSOD. The error code was Kernel Security Check Failure. When it just restarts it doesn't generate a minidump file. Here's the OneDrive link to the 2 minidump files I have: Dump Files

  2. Try3 Win User
  3. tigger Win User
    Kernel Power 41 error

    I found something to do with sound drivers, the guy solved the error. Don't know if it helps but it might give you a clue.

    [SOLVED] Kernel-Power 41 (63) error
  4. Kernel Power Error 41 BSOD

    Kernel-Power event id 41. BugcheckCode 0


    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    In-order to get more clarity on this issue and to assist you with appropriate troubleshooting steps, reply with answers to the below questions:

    1. Are you aware of any changes made on your PC, prior to this issue?
    2. Is this issue specific while playing a particular game?
    3. Which edition of Windows are you currently using?

    A Kernel Power Event 41 can occur in the following scenarios.

    Scenario 1: The computer restarts, and there is a Stop error BugcheckCode in the event data.

    Scenario 2: The computer is shut down by pressing and holding the power button.

    Scenario 3: The system randomly restarts and no Stop error BugcheckCode is listed, or the computer is completely unresponsive (hard hang).

    I suggest you refer the article on Kernel
    Power Event ID 41
    and follow the steps for the scenario that is causing this error on your PC.

    Additionally, you can refer the article on Windows
    Kernel event ID 41 error "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first" in Windows

    and check if that helps.


    Sandeep Kumar M

    Microsoft Community – Moderator

Kernel Power Error 41 BSOD

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