Windows 10: iCloud app deleted my PC files :

Discus and support iCloud app deleted my PC files : in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I've downloaded the iCloud app for PC: I thought I could directly access my files in the app itself, but it turns out that the app actually adds new... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by thanksforhelppp, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. iCloud app deleted my PC files :

    I've downloaded the iCloud app for PC: I thought I could directly access my files in the app itself, but it turns out that the app actually adds new iCloud drives to my PC's files explorer. So I decided to delete the app, but things started going downhill. During the app's setup process, I changed the iCloud files's location to one of the folders on my PC. However, after deleting the iCloud app, the app and the original non-iCloud documents stored in the folder are ALSO DELETED as well!! I tried to download the app and log in again to see if the files would appear back.... but sadly, did

    thanksforhelppp, Oct 4, 2023

  2. iCloud calendar will not show calendar and categories in Windows 10 mail app.


    If it's a Calendar app, we suggest you to follow the steps and check if it helps:

    I suggest you to go through the below steps and check if it helps.

    • Login to your Apple ID and password.
    • Choose ‘Calendar‘, click on the ‘WiFi’-like Logo next to the calendar you want to see in Windows 10 calendar app.
    • Choose ‘Public Calendar‘ and send copy the link.
    • Next, login to your account, go to ‘Calendar‘ in the PC website view, click on ‘Import‘, then on ‘Subscribe‘, choose a calendar name, paste the iCloud calendar link and click ‘Subscribe‘.
    • Now the iCloud calendar subscription is processing and after a short while you can see your iCloud calendar apps on
    • For checking correct syncing, go to the settings wheel on the right upper corner, click on ‘Options‘ and then on the name of the iCloud calendar subscription you gave in step 4. Under ‘Last Refresh‘, you can see
      the refresh period and the number of correctly synced events.
    • Open Windows 10 calendar app. If you’ve already set up your account, you will see the iCloud calendar subscription in ‘read-only’ mode.
    Hope this helps, let us know the status of the issue.
    Rakesh Narayanaswamy, Oct 4, 2023
  3. Linking iCloud account to mail app

    I recently purchased a PC and while setting up i attempted to setup my icloud account but the mail app says my settings are out of date. went through the steps suggested and setup two factor authenication but it was no help. anyone have suggestions?
    amwright1975, Oct 4, 2023
  4. iCloud app deleted my PC files :

    Can't Delete "Phantom" iCloud Account From Windows 10 Mail App

    When I set up my Windows 10 mail app, I added my Road Runner account to it and that's it. However, the app lists
    two accounts - my Road Runner account and my iCloud account. The iCloud account will not sync, and when I access the Account Settings tab, iCloud is not listed as an account in those settings, so I can't just
    delete it. How do I get rid of this account? Is there a data file I can access to delete it? Any help will be appreciated!
    Fairmarketvalue, Oct 4, 2023

iCloud app deleted my PC files :

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