Windows 10: How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address

Discus and support How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I want to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 randomly forever because i scare someone can trace me but i don't see any tool to change ip random not handmade.... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by windowsuse#1, Jan 17, 2022.

  1. How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address

    I want to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 randomly forever because i scare someone can trace me but i don't see any tool to change ip random not handmade. And 1 question : If i upgrade windows 10 to 11, can it change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address . And if they know my IPipv4 and ipv6, can they trace my house

    windowsuse#1, Jan 17, 2022
  2. Callender Win User

    Lastpass Suddenly has a Site it says is insecure

    In addition check DNS (compare both machines)

    Change IPv4 and IPv6 DNS Server Address in Windows

    Option Two. Step 4. Then Step 7. Choose one from the list.
    Callender, Jan 17, 2022
  3. Caledon Ken, Jan 17, 2022
  4. How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address

    Network connection settings problem (IPv6 address)

    Hi everyone,

    I always choose to “Obtain an IPv6 address automatically” in my network settings, but the settings often change to “Use the following IPv6 address” by itself (where the IPv6 address is changed to some weird values like fdaa::1:f2
    and Subnet prefix length is 64).

    The network connection settings I am talking about can be found by going to “Control Panel”
    “View network status and tasks” “Change adapter settings” and right click on the network connection to select “Properties” and in the items list, select “Internet Protocol Version
    6 (TCP/IPv6)” and then click on “Properties” to see the settings under “General” tab.

    Does anyone know what could have caused the settings to change by itself? And how do I stop this problem from happening again?

    How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address d1573dac-80d2-4daf-b688-71be2a0583b5?upload=true.jpg
    Ian Chen54321, Jan 17, 2022

How to change my IPipv4 and ipv6 address

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