Windows 10: Here are the contents of a dmp file after a BSOD incident. This happened while downloading...

Discus and support Here are the contents of a dmp file after a BSOD incident. This happened while downloading... in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Microsoft R Windows Debugger Version 10.0.25200.1003 AMD64Copyright c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Loading Dump File... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Vince Velocci, May 17, 2023.

  1. Here are the contents of a dmp file after a BSOD incident. This happened while downloading...

    Microsoft R Windows Debugger Version 10.0.25200.1003 AMD64Copyright c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\051623-11093-01.dmp]Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available************* Path validation summary **************Response Time ms LocationDeferred srv*Symbol search path is: srv*Executable search path is: Windows 10 Kernel Version 19041 MP 16 procs Free x64Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS PersonalEd

    Vince Velocci, May 17, 2023

  2. BSOD with DMP files and MSInfo

    I have used the verifier app and collect the dmp files along with the MSInfo32.

    I been receiving the BSOD for a bit and I had the motherboard replace at the Company's helpdesk requested it. I knew that was not the issue. I know is a driver issue but don't know how to fix it and what is exactly causing the issue. I believe is the Cisco
    VPN software that is causing it.

    When the BSOD happened under the verifier app the

    DRIVER_VERIFIED_DETECTED_VIOLATION (xxxxx.sys) The xxxx.sys is the name of the driver that caused the crash.
    If it is listed please note it and tell us what it is.

    the xxxx.sys was something like vpnxxx64.sys I believe..can't remember it exactly.

    here is the link to OneDrive to see the DMP files and the MSInfo32 files.
    AzureRookieFL, May 17, 2023
  3. Help reading mini dmp file

    Download BlueScreenView, unpack the ZIP, and run the EXE (no installation necessary). It's an excellent little utility for looking at DMP files and finding the cause of crashes.
    Static~Charge, May 17, 2023
  4. AK137 Win User

    Here are the contents of a dmp file after a BSOD incident. This happened while downloading...

    BSOD DMP file identification

    173.8 KB file on MEGA the DMP files for identification.

    I've been repeatedly having my web browser and other applications crash, often leading into a BSOD saying PFN LIST CORRUPT or MEMORY MANAGEMENT ERROR among other ones.
    AK137, May 17, 2023

Here are the contents of a dmp file after a BSOD incident. This happened while downloading...

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