Windows 10: Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to...

Discus and support Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I purchased Minecraft a couple weeks ago, and now I can't launch it or sign into my account on windows 11. On my windows 10 PC, the sign in works... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Perry Topham, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to...

    I purchased Minecraft a couple weeks ago, and now I can't launch it or sign into my account on windows 11. On my windows 10 PC, the sign in works flawlessly, but on my windows 11 laptop, there is an endless loop between 'Just a Moment' and empty space. I have tried almost everything, resetting the Windows Store cache, recreating AUInstallAgent folder, etc

    Perry Topham, Jan 12, 2024
  2. NUV
    Nuv Win User

    ati2dvag infinite loop error

    I have

    • AMD Athlon 64X2 4400+ (Brisbane)
    • Core Volt:1.336 V
    • Model- RS690-SB600
    • Chipset Ati
    • Pheonix Technologied Ltd.
    • Version 6.00PG
    Graphics card:TechPowerUp

    I am getting a blue screen saying (as far as i can remember)

    Code: The Problem seems to be caused by the following file: ati2dvag The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop[/quote] Any solution to this problem ?
  3. Issue when launching applications - infinite loop

    Hi Dalchina,

    Thank you for your quick answer.
    I will try to perform a clean boot later since I don't know how to do and I did not have time for it tonight.

    Sorry for the oversight of version number, reading quickly through it I thought it was asking which OS I had. Here it is

    Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... -issue-when-launching-applications-infinite-loop-131116768_232425218468345_2843839217690450988_n.png

    By looking at the reliability history, I found that the series of crashes started early November :
    Sorry this is in French, if you need any translation please ask me

    Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... 310242d1607716839t-issue-when-launching-applications-infinite-loop-1.png

    "Windows was not stopped correctly"

    Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... 310243d1607716839t-issue-when-launching-applications-infinite-loop-2.png

    "Hardware error" ?

    Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... 310244d1607716839t-issue-when-launching-applications-infinite-loop-3.png

    Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to... 310245d1607716839t-issue-when-launching-applications-infinite-loop-4.png

    I will give you a feedback as soon as I have time to perform a Clean boot
    AlphonseTrd, Jan 12, 2024
  4. Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to...

    BSOD Infinite Loop, can't do anything


    Recently I was playing Minecraft and I had just installed mods. When I installed the mods, I loaded up Minecraft and it crashed and did trial and error 3 times of removing mods and launching Minecraft to see which one was crashing it. After the third attempt,
    I got the Blue Screen of Death and have been in an infinite restart and boot loop. I cannot get to the Automatic Repair Screen as no matter what happens, I will always get a blue screen and different stop code. I tried booting off a USB but it's still stuck
    in a BSOD boot loop. I cannot enter safe mode or do anything. All I can do is enter the bios. What can I do?
    Knigubyian, Jan 12, 2024

Error Code 0x87E10BD0 launching Minecraft, infinite loop when attempting to sign in to...

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