Windows 10: Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits

Discus and support Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; Hi, I'm considering upgrading to windows 10, and have scoured the internet about what the real benefits are, but can only find all the promotional... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Support' started by riddell, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. riddell Win User

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits


    I'm considering upgrading to windows 10, and have scoured the internet about what the real benefits are, but can only find all the promotional marketing crap that they are pushing, such as Cortana, Xbox integration, that new edge browser and such stuff.

    Are there any real technical benefits either for your average business user? or for professional photographers?
    Does it make any speed improvements? Better memory handling? Have they fixed all the annoying problems with file explorer? Can I easily use my own directory structure or am I still pushed to libraries and their cloud?


    riddell, Dec 23, 2015
  2. vodkah Win User

    Latest Nokia PC Suite update killed my Bluetooth connection - 1 hour ago

    Thanks Miksu,

    I'm 99% positive that I rebooted after the installation, but there may be a chance that I didn't. In any case, I find it peculiar that I could use the File Manager over BT but the Sync function wouldn't work.

    If you point me in the right direction to the new stack I will gladly "consider it". The one I have now works fine so I'm not sure I would even upgrade unless there is a real benefit.

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits ;)

    vodkah, Dec 23, 2015
  3. Can I choose the direction of the Activesync upload/download?

    When I said both ways, I meant to say that when you connect your device to sync, changes on your device will move across to your PC and vice versa. If it's not doing that, I suggest you delete the partnership on PC and device, reboot both and connect again.

    However, before doing that, I strongly recommend you backup your data.
    Linley Meslier, Dec 23, 2015
  4. iamDevlin Win User

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits

    One thing is for sure. Its boot up time is really fast even with just HDD.
    iamDevlin, Dec 23, 2015
  5. davidhk Win User
    If it is for business use, I would suggest you stay with your current operating system.
    This Win 10 is too new. There are still bugs and glitches. You don't need those to interrupt your business.
    My 2 cents.
    davidhk, Dec 23, 2015
  6. If it is for business, there's no reason not to test it. No need to ignore it. I am running it on my work laptop without issue. I also upgraded the three home computers we have to Windows 10, mainly for two reasons. It's free, and it keeps me current.

    Honestly, unless you have a very specific software or hardware incompatibility, there's no reason NOT to go to Windows 10 now.
    DeaconFrost, Dec 23, 2015
  7. riddell Win User
    Sorry I don't wish to seem ungrateful, but this really isn't a helpful answer.

    1. Why should I test it? and waste my time testing it, when I don't even know what advantages it has, which of course was my initial question. Nobody should blindly go forth into anything, especially in business.

    2. Who cares that its current? Or that I am? If its not as productive as my current setup then I'm not changing.

    3. If you think there is no reason, then you need to explain what is so good. Otherwise this feels like a post by a member of the MS marketing team desperate for people to upgrade.

    IamDevlin - that's interesting to know, but I'm already on SDDs and Windows boots in just a few seconds anyway.

    DavidHK - I agree with you, that's why I'm trying to find out if there are any technical advantages. For example as a professional photographer I have literally hundreds of thousands of huge images. Does the OS allow me to browse, organise them faster? Huge images mean huge files. Sometimes my machine lags when I'm working with several, and I have a very high end, very tuned machine with absolutely no bells and whistles on it. Its streamlined for photo editing. I also have a specialist high tablet for the same purpose.

    This is why I want proper technical info about the OS, not marketing.
    riddell, Dec 23, 2015
  8. Cliff S New Member

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits

    Windows 10 uses much less resources for the OS itself, leaving them for what ever Professional program you are going to use(I really doubt you'll use the stock App*Smile). you will probably need to go to the software developers forums and ask and read if the program is even compatible, and if yes, how well it's working on Win10.
    For resource usage, I have 3 VMs running in the background right now(Win19 insider build 11082, Ubuntu, and CentOS) and this is the usage right now(see my system specs, it's not a high end CPU):

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits [​IMG]

    This was a Win 8.1 machine, and it is definitely snappier now(same with my low end Win7 laptop).
    About moving large files, hopefully someone else can answer that for you, as I don't pay attention to that, sorry. But I'm sure it will depend on if you're moving from SSD to SSD, or, SSD to HDD or external to a USB HDD(major speed differences regardless the OS).
    Cliff S, Dec 23, 2015
  9. Cliff S New Member
    Cliff S, Dec 23, 2015
  10. davidhk Win User
    davidhk, Dec 23, 2015
  11. Why are you assuming it isn't as good? In terms of business, support is a big reason to stay current...not just from Microsoft, but from all the other vendors who provide software and hardware that needs a current OS to run. If you aren't testing new OSes, you aren't doing what's best for your business. Any business that utilizes a computer network should have a testing process for hardware and software.

    If you want my person answer, it is because Windows 10 combines the best of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 into an OS that's truly useful on a standard or a touch screen. It's performance is as good or better than the previous OSes. Hardware manufacturer's are focusing their efforts on Windows 10 drivers because that is the current platform. New software that is released is tested for and foremost on Windows 10. You state you have a high end machine, so which OS do you think is getting the focus right now, in terms of development and support? Staying current isn't just about feeling current....there are legitimate benefits for doing so.

    My wife is a photographer and there's nothing about Windows 10 that photographers would have any issues with. Her various software and Topaz plug-ins all work fine. Digital photography isn't a rare, specialized use for a high end computer, so again, nothing to fear.
    DeaconFrost, Dec 23, 2015
  12. WHS
    whs Win User
    There seem to be as many reasons to go to 10 as there are to stay on 7. In that case I go by my old principle: " If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
  13. bobkn Win User

    Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits

    My personal recommendation is not to upgrade anytime soon if you are running Windows 7.

    If you have Windows 8, go for it. Win 10 has better integration of the traditional desktop with the interface formerly known as Metro.

    You may never find compelling reasons to upgrade. I'm not a developer, so I know little about what goes on under the hood. From my viewpoint, XP was a major advance, and subsequent OSes have not added much.

    (I have upgraded all 3 of my PCs to 10. That includes a low-end Compaq laptop from 2008. No particular reason; maybe it was the lure of a free upgrade.)
    bobkn, Dec 24, 2015
  14. This is the best line for this topic. Check the vendor. If they list all the necessary Win10 drivers, it is worth the upgrade. If they don't, you can test to see if the MS provided drivers fit, or just stay with your current OS.

    As stated, reasons to upgrade: support lasts longer for newer OSes, security is usually stronger, and speed is usually faster*.

    *if you have all the necessary drivers installed
    DustSailor, Dec 24, 2015
  15. Mystere Win User
    Let me ask you a question. It's a very simple one?

    What are the real, tangible business benefits of your current OS vs the OS that you used before it? I doubt you find much of any such reasons that can be explained. So why are you using your current OS and not the one before it?

    Probably because it came with your computer. Or, because you just like the current version. And of course there is the fact that the older version of the OS probably isn't supported anymore.

    When it comes right down to it, those the only reasons people use a specific OS. Either it came with their computer, they simply like it, or they were forced to upgrade due to their old one being obsolete.

    Eventually, whatever OS you are using will no longer be supported. That may be a while, but eventually you're going to have to upgrade. Many people are of the opinion, if you are going to eventually have to upgrade anyways, why not simply keep current, that way it's less of burden to upgrade (the more change between upgrades, the more chance there is of problems). Others feel they should only upgrade when they absolutely have to.

    It's really not a difficult question. Either you're an upgrader, or you're not. If you're not, you're going to stay on what you know. If you are, you're going to want the current stuff.
    Mystere, Dec 24, 2015

Can someone point me in the direction of the 'real' upgrade benefits

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