Windows 10: C programming Input problem

Discus and support C programming Input problem in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I've recently switched to Windows 11 home os. Now I'm facing problems with C/C++ compiling, as this os is not alloying to take input. I've tried... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Ehosanul Haque Shihab, Sep 23, 2024 at 10:57 PM.

  1. C programming Input problem

    I've recently switched to Windows 11 home os. Now I'm facing problems with C/C++ compiling, as this os is not alloying to take input. I've tried different compiler, different way of input, such as: scanf, getc etc. but the output terminal always breaks at the point of taking input.

    Ehosanul Haque Shihab, Sep 23, 2024 at 10:57 PM

  2. C++ programming

    I am also doing C++ at the moment and from what these guys here on TPU have helped me with is phenomenal!


    This weeks questions.

    To begin this exercise, create a VC++ project and copy the following code into your project. Make sure that the project compiles successfully

    Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int input; int back1 = 1, back2 = 0; int current = 1; cout << "Enter which number in the Fibonacci number sequence you want to find." << endl; cout << "The first and second Fibonacci numbers are 1." << endl; cin >> input; while (input < 1) { cout << "You must enter a value greater than 0, try again." << endl; cin >> input; } if (input > 2) { for(int i = 2; i < input; i++) { back2 = back1; back1 = current; current = back1 + back2; } } cout << "The value of Fibonacci number " << input << " is " << current << endl; cin.ignore(2); return 0; }[/quote] Make sure that this program executed correctly by running it and entering the value 12. You should get the number 144 as the 12th number of the Fibonacci sequence.
    1. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of the for loop (the line containing for(….)) by clicking in the far left column of the edit frame. A red dot should appear when the breakpoint has been set.
    2. Run the program and enter the value 46. The program should halt at the breakpoint. Click on the Locals tab at the bottom of the window to see the value of the local variables. What are the values of the program variables at this point?
    i current back1 back2 input

    3. Remove the breakpoint that was set in step 1 (by clicking on the red dot). Place a breakpoint on the line containing the closing curly bracket of the for loop. Right click on the breakpoint (red dot) and select Condition from the menu. Set the condition for this breakpoint to i == 9. Run the program. When it stops, record the value of the variables below.
    i current back1 back2 input

    4. Single step your program 4 times. Record the value of the variables below.
    i current back1 back2 input

    5. Using your conditional breakpoint, record the values of the variables in the table below for the values of i that are specified.
    i current back1 back2 input

    6. Allow the program to run to completion. Clear all breakpoints (by clicking on the red dot) except the conditional breakpoint at the end of the for loop. Run the program again, only this time with the input of 47. When the program stops, the variables should still have the same values as in the last line of the table from step 5, except the input variable should show 47. Now, single step your program 5 times and record the values of the variables.
    i current back1 back2 input

    7. Does anything seem wrong with your results? Explain what happened.

    8. Change the data type of the back1, back2, and current variables to unsigned. Redo step 6 and record the values of the variables.
    i current back1 back2 input

    9. Explain why changing the data type corrected the problem.
  3. Why did the startup window get cleared?

    I didn't missed any step, the list was gone and gone , even after using lot of programs the programs were not listed in that list.
  4. C programming Input problem

    C# help !!

    I am taking a C# class and I am totally lost on this week's assignment I haven't been able to get much hoping someone here can assist. Time is of the essence. Here is this weeks assignment:

    One of your smaller customers needs your help writing a program. Your customer has an e-commerce Web site but wants to avoid being sued for allowing children to make purchases without the authorization of their parents. Using the 6 steps of problem solving, create a program to verify the age of a customer wishing to make an online purchase. The customer will enter his or her year of birth, and your program will calculate whether the customer is more than 18-years old. The program will then display a message to the customer that his or her purchase request is accepted or denied.

    Your solution must include the following 5 parts in addition to the coded solution:

    1.A problem analysis chart with each of the following sections:
    ◦Given information
    ◦Required results
    ◦Processing required to obtain the results
    ◦Solution alternatives
    2.A flowchart showing the program processing flow
    3.A chart showing input, output, and processing
    4.An algorithm in pseudo code describing the steps the program will perform
    5.A description in 4–6 paragraphs of how each of the 6 problem-solving steps was addressed

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