Windows 10: BSODs and black screen crashes

Discus and support BSODs and black screen crashes in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hello,Experiencing some weirdness. Crashing during strenuous games, usually not a BSOD but a black screen into restart-- nothing in event viewer except... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Jordan S1, Aug 15, 2024.

  1. Jordan S1 Win User

    BSODs and black screen crashes

    Hello,Experiencing some weirdness. Crashing during strenuous games, usually not a BSOD but a black screen into restart-- nothing in event viewer except than unexpected shutoff. Ran memcheck and no errors. .dmp files are reading Can't upload files 081424-12703-01.dmp 2024-08-14 9:10:08 PM SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x1000007e ffffffff`c0000005 fffff805`64c33807 ffff8d0b`caf76a68 ffff8d0b`caf762a0 FLTMGR.SYS FLTMGR.SYS+8e5d x64 ntoskrnl.exe+233807 C:\Windows\Minidump\081424-12703-01.dmp 16 15 19041 3,905,404 2024-08-14 9:11:06 PM 081224-10484-01.dmp 2024-08-12 7:39:57 PM ATTE

    Jordan S1, Aug 15, 2024
  2. jds63 Win User

    Black Screen after Log on

    So this is not a BSOD ? Have a Windows 10 disc or USB Flash Drive made ? How are you getting to task manager Ctrl.+Alt+Del ? Any cursor on screen ?
    jds63, Aug 15, 2024
  3. Black screen error


    There are several reasons why you are facing a black screen issue. One of these is due to outdated or incorrect device drivers. For us to figure out what's causing this, provide more details by answering the listed questions:

    • Can you confirm to us if you are using a laptop or a computer?
    • Have you made any recent changes to your device prior to this happening?
    • What exactly were you doing when the error occurred?
    • Have you tried any troubleshooting steps to resolve this? If yes, specify all of the steps that you have done.

    As an initial part of troubleshooting, we suggest following the steps given on this article:

    Troubleshoot black screen or blank screen errors
    . This will help you diagnose and rectify most of the known black screen concerns.

    We will wait for your response.
    Dhavelyn Mer, Aug 15, 2024
  4. Rose Cal Win User

    BSODs and black screen crashes

    black screen

    Hi Bart,

    It is possible that you're experiencing black screen due to corrupted system files. To assist you better, we'd like to gather more information:

    • Are you getting any error messages?
    • What happen when you tried to login?
    • What troubleshooting steps have you done so far?

    In the meantime, we suggest that you follow the steps in this
    to troubleshoot black screen errors. You can choose which situation you're experiencing the error and perform the instructions.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.
    Rose Cal, Aug 15, 2024

BSODs and black screen crashes

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