Windows 10: BSoD with Battleye in fortnite

Discus and support BSoD with Battleye in fortnite in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I’ve alredy tried to uninstall BE but since it is fortnite it always re-install’s. I’ve tried uninstalling it and installing then rebooting my pc but... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Araven17, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. Araven17 Win User

    BSoD with Battleye in fortnite

    I’ve alredy tried to uninstall BE but since it is fortnite it always re-install’s. I’ve tried uninstalling it and installing then rebooting my pc but that didn’t work too. I’ve tried deliting the BE files that didn’t work either. I’ve even reinstalled fortnite but that didn’t work either. PLZ HELP!!!

    Araven17, Nov 21, 2021

  2. Insiders - Fortnite BattlEye failed to launch

    BattlEye service is unable to launch in many of the windows insider builds. This bug has been going on for one year already. In the previous builds, we would get a BSOD when launching Fortnite BattlEye service. At the September 2019 build (18958) I am
    still unable to launch the battleye service. Now, I am seeing an error message saying that windows cannot access the specified device path or file you may not have appropriate permissions. I am an admin of my PC, and the fortnite folder is given all permissions.
    This is a problem with the BattlEye service since it says failed to launch the game. Is there a fix to this insider bug? Anyone encountering the same bug?
    PillageVixen, Nov 21, 2021
  3. cwsink Win User
    BSOD recently happening when playing Fortnite

    I think you're probably having the same issue discussed here. It seems to be a problem with a component used by Fortnite. The anti-cheat system, possibly. Interestingly, it's crashing in a Microsoft function but I suspect it's being passed a bad parameter by BEDaisy.sys which is a BattlEye driver.
    cwsink, Nov 21, 2021
  4. Nuggs Win User

    BSoD with Battleye in fortnite

    Blue screen of death when I play/start Fortnite, how do I fix it?

    Tried replicating the issue. I just installed Epic Games/Fortnite while Steam was opened and BattlEye service started. So far no BSOD. Do you have Corsair Utility Engine as well? I saw it crash in cameron121901's logs as well.
    Nuggs, Nov 21, 2021

BSoD with Battleye in fortnite

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