Discus and support BSOD RDR_FILE_SYSTEM in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; Hello everybode, i need HELP. Since i have Update Windows 7 to Windows 10 i get everyday the same BSOD on 2 different Computers. Can somebody Help... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by BSOD_Noob, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. BSOD_Noob Win User


    Hello everybode,

    i need HELP.

    Since i have Update Windows 7 to Windows 10 i get everyday the same BSOD on 2 different Computers.

    Can somebody Help me plz to finde a solution to fix the Problem?





    PS: Sorry 4 my bad english =

    BSOD_Noob, Jul 27, 2020

  2. RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD on specific model of PC?

    We are using Windows 10 LTSB 2016 on some PCs in our organisation (the rest are still on Windows 7).

    The majority of these do not have any issues but we have noticed that on one particular model of PC, users are sometimes getting an RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD when accessing their network drive area.

    I've collected the dump files from the most recent of these - a zipped copy of these can be found on OneDrive at!Aidjz33-lg04kGbCwwVWxG0mDv4g - can anyone suggest what might be causing the issue?


    Dan Jackson (Senior ITServices Technician)

    Long Road Sixth Form College

    Cambridge, UK.
    DanJ_LRSFC, Jul 27, 2020
  3. rdr_file_system 0x27 BSOD After Windows 10 2004 update, but only on domain profiles

    Getting the same BSOD, mrxsmb20.sys rdr_file_system when users logon with domain account and have folderredirection enabled

    tested this on multiple setups

    Hope that a fix will be available ASAP.
    Ulrich Mortensen (ulrich), Jul 27, 2020
  4. jstrot Win User


    Please help with RDR_FILE_SYSTEM (0x27) on Windows 10 during RDP

    While connected over RDP (Remote Desktop Connection) and transferring files to the server, I've experienced the RDR_FILE_SYSTEM (0x27) BSOD. This just started happening now, the server was upgraded to Windows 10 several months ago and did not experience
    this until now. It even crashed while being connected over RDP when no file transfer was being performed.

    I ran memtest86 for 24 hours straight (5 full passes) and no errors were found.

    I'm posting a link to several minidumps, all of which show RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSODs during a file transfer except for the last 122316-45328-01 dump and accompanying memory.dmp that happened without a file transfer:


    I'd really like some insight into what might be wrong.

    jstrot, Jul 27, 2020



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  10. RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD on specific model of PC?

    in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging
    RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD on specific model of PC?: We are using Windows 10 LTSB 2016 on some PCs in our organisation (the rest are still on Windows 7). The majority of these do not have any issues but we have noticed that on one particular model of PC, users are sometimes getting an RDR_FILE_SYSTEM BSOD when accessing their...