Discus and support BSOD 0x1000007e SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; Hi everyone, Can somebody take a look on my bugcheck analysis? I really don't know what has caused the bsod i don't know much about this.... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by plampo, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. plampo Win User


    Hi everyone,

    Can somebody take a look on my bugcheck analysis?
    I really don't know what has caused the bsod i don't know much about this.

    bugcheck analysis:
    Untitled Post


    Attachment 84125

    plampo, Jun 8, 2016

  2. SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 0x1000007e Wdf01000.sys

    We do need the actual log files (called a DMP files) as they contain the only record of the sequence of events leading up to the crash, what drivers were loaded, and what was responsible.

    Please follow our instructions for finding and uploading the files we need to help you fix your computer. They can be found here
    If you have any questions about the procedure please ask
    ZigZag3143 (MS -MVP), Jun 8, 2016
  3. Adam_F. Win User


    Also I would like to ask that I frequently get lag spikes freezes when using my laptop and in the Event Viewer I had Disk errors as well here is the info: and also here is a picture of my even viewer (sorted to show critical--)

    Log Name: System

    Source: disk

    Date: 23/11/2015 3:56:25 PM

    Event ID: 11

    Task Category: None

    Level: Error

    Keywords: Classic

    User: N/A

    Computer: TheBeastMaster


    The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk1\DR1.

    Event Xml:

    <Event xmlns="">


    <Provider Name="disk" />

    <EventID Qualifiers="49156">11</EventID>




    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-11-23T15:56:25.474644000Z" />




    <Security />






    Adam_F., Jun 8, 2016
  4. Ztruker Win User


    Ztruker, Jun 8, 2016
  5. plampo Win User
    I have uploaded the zip file in my first post as it is required. Inside the zip file there is also another .dmp minidump file which was created earlier. Also I ran a memtest86 not long ago when my previous BSOD happened and it found 2 errors in my memory. Here is the photo of the test result:

    Attachment 85177
    plampo, Jun 14, 2016
  6. plampo Win User
    can anyone check the .zip file in my first post and please and give me advice about what may have caused the bsod? thanks in advance.
    plampo, Jun 16, 2016
  7. MetallicA Win User
    Theres zero tolerance for errors in memtest, so if you have knowledge of pc hardware you could try each ram module in each slot and see is problem with ram(s) or slot(s). Also it is good idea to reset BIOS settings to default.
    MetallicA, Jun 16, 2016
  8. plampo Win User


    I see. So it seems it's more likely the faulty RAM/RAM slot causes this kind of BSOD what I've just had.
    The only way to make sure wether my RAM module or slot is causing the problem is that I test it with another 100% perfect RAM module which has been already tested in a different pc without any errors.

    But still I'm not 100% convinced about the source of the problem in regards to my BSOD. Is there somebody who can take a look at my .zip file and do a full detailed analysis on the .dmp dump files? I would really appreciate it, maybe something else could be revealed from those files and checked by a professional.
    plampo, Jun 16, 2016
  9. Ztruker Win User
    Test RAM

    Download Memtest86+ (you want the 2nd one Download - Pre-Compiled Bootable ISO (.zip)). Unzip it then create a CD from the iso file using your CD burning software. There is a good freeware burner called ImgBurn which will do this easily.

    DO NOT burn the .iso file directly to CD. It must be used as input to a program that knows what to do with it, like the one I mentioned above.

    You can do this on any computer that has a working CD Burner.

    You can also use a Flash drive instead of a CD.

    Download - Auto-installer for USB Key (Win 9x/2k/xp/7) *NEW!*.
    Unzip and run Memtest86+ USB Installer.exe.
    It will format the flash drive if you tell it to. I used a small, 16MB flash drive and it had 8.5GB left when done.

    Boot the CD or Flash drive and run Memtest86+ for at least 3 complete passes unless it shows errors sooner than that. An overnight run is even better.

    You can stop the test after you see the first error appearing *Smile
    Hard Drive:

    Check the hard drive with the manufacturer's diagnostic tools.

    7 Free Hard Drive Testing Programs
    Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
    Bootable Hard Drive Diagnostics
    Ztruker, Apr 5, 2018



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