Windows 10: Boot device inaccessible/lost during normal operations

Discus and support Boot device inaccessible/lost during normal operations in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; Laptop was running great HP Pro Book 450 G3. While on a web-site and hooking up HDMI for auxiliary display , the system crashed very odd. Now upon... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by JD_818, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. JD_818 Win User

    Boot device inaccessible/lost during normal operations

    Laptop was running great HP Pro Book 450 G3. While on a web-site and hooking up HDMI for auxiliary display , the system crashed very odd. Now upon startup attempt, message reads 'inaccessible boot device'. Using any feature of the 'Automatic Repair' restart or advanced options will not work due to log-in issues. When attempting to use options, the log-in message indicates I am attempting to log in with an invalid password. This is totally incorrect as I am currently simultaneously logged in to my account while using that exact password on another machine. The box had also been chec

    JD_818, Dec 19, 2022
  2. zbook Win User

    Inaccessible boot device

    This is a Microsoft link on inaccessible boot device:

    It is an intermediate level link.
    There are more advanced steps that can be ran once the partition structure is known.
    There are steps for repair of the boot sector, operating system, etc.
    Sometimes this bugcheck can be caused by windows updates.

    A reset save files equivalent may be able to be performed.
    Alternatively a clean install can be performed once important files are backed up.
    zbook, Dec 19, 2022
  3. Dlambert Win User
    Inaccessible boot device

    I'm not sure if this is helpful, but maybe you can have a try. Windows operating system backups a working registry for recovery purpose. You can perform registry backup restoring to fix the inaccessible boot device error. The pre-condition is that you can access to the Advanced startup opotions of your PC. You'll need to use the command prompt.
    Also, steps are a little bit complicated. However, if you follow the guide strictly, no mistake should be made. You can Google how to restore from Registry Backup, or refer to this article for help. Inaccessible Boot Device Lenovo.
    Dlambert, Dec 19, 2022
  4. Ugo Lopez Win User

    Boot device inaccessible/lost during normal operations

    Ugo Lopez, Dec 19, 2022

Boot device inaccessible/lost during normal operations

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