Windows 10: BLE Gatt Service Issues

Discus and support BLE Gatt Service Issues in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hi guys, We are using the BLE GATT services supplied by the Windows CSWinRT nuget package in a .net 6 WPF application. Two issues have raised their... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Ben Steele1, Feb 12, 2024.

  1. BLE Gatt Service Issues

    Hi guys, We are using the BLE GATT services supplied by the Windows CSWinRT nuget package in a .net 6 WPF application. Two issues have raised their heads and I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction. The main issue we have been facing is with the GATT service suddenly stop advertising. We receive no status update via the AdvertisementStatusChanged event handler nor by polling the state constantly.We have worked around the issue by Stopping /Starting the Bluetooth radio which has minimized the occurrence of this issue, as upon the Bluetooth radio coming on, the GATT service retu

    Ben Steele1, Feb 12, 2024
  2. jkim_224 Win User

    Windows 10 BLE WPF - ValueChanged no longer works in 1809

    I have a WPF BLE Central application (not UWP) that used to work in Windows 10, 1803 connected to Nordic NRF52 processor.

    The issue is the code below no longer generates event.

    aCharacteristic.ValueChanged += char_ValueChanged_Notification;

    I am not using any pairing or bonding currently. Below is high level summary of the BLE code.

    aBleDevice = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(blueToothAddr);

    var gatt = await aBleDevice.GetGattServicesAysnc();

    // For each of the service found, get the Characteristics

    var charResult await service.GetCharateristicsAsync();

    // For each characteristic that I want to be notified, I have code below generated event in 1803, but no longer works in 1809 or in 1903.

    aCharacteristic.ValueChanged += char_ValueChanged_Notification;

    Any suggestions on how to make it work in 1809 and later? It appears to be related to security issue change(?) that prevents reading / receiving data from the BLE Peripheral?
    jkim_224, Feb 12, 2024
  3. Bluetooth keyboard not connecting after latest Windows Update

    Hello Monika,

    To better assist you, I'd like to know the following:

    • What is the exact make and model of your BLE device?
    • Have you tried to un-pair and re-pair your BLE device to your computer?
    • Have you tried performing the steps suggested from the article given by
      Marque Lor
      in this thread?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Melchizedek Qui, Feb 12, 2024

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