Windows 10: BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229

Discus and support BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229 in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; i was playing last night and my computer froze and turned off. Turned it back on reaches the MSI screen then turns reaches a black screen. But before... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by Johanngfx, Nov 26, 2018.

  1. Johanngfx Win User

    BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229

    i was playing last night and my computer froze and turned off. Turned it back on reaches the MSI screen then turns reaches a black screen. But before that gives me the error. BL initialize Library failed 0xc0000229. Not sure what is wrong if someone can help.

    CPU : I5:4460

    MB: MSI Z97 PC Mate motherboard LGA 1150

    Johanngfx, Nov 26, 2018

  2. BI InitializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb

    BI InitializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb in a black screen. How to recover files. Need a step by step guide.

    BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229 [​IMG]
    lara sagun, Nov 26, 2018
  3. Error BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb

    Today I was busy with an update of windows 10,but when I restart my computer I got this error "Error BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb ". I can't enter my OS.Can you tell me how to solve it?

    ***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***
    anqingzheng, Nov 26, 2018
  4. BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229

    BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb on black window


    Based on the information that you've provided, you were also getting the
    BlInitializeLibrary failed 0xc00000bb
    error. Since you've already tried to perform most of the basic troubleshooting steps, we suggest that you get in touch with our
    Answer Desk team. This is to provide you further assistance and possibly perform other steps that may help
    in resolving this issue.

    Should you have any other queries, don't hesitate to let us know.
    Eileen Gal, Nov 26, 2018

BI initializeLibrary failed 0xc0000229

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