Windows 10: How to remove SearchApp.exe?

Discus and support How to remove SearchApp.exe? in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; How to remove SearchApp.exe on Windows 10?I do not want it to run. If I do nothing, the service is 'suspended'. If I for example hit the... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by itisme_014, Nov 26, 2024 at 6:27 AM.

  1. How to remove SearchApp.exe?

    How to remove SearchApp.exe on Windows 10?I do not want it to run. If I do nothing, the service is 'suspended'. If I for example hit the Windows-button, it starts doing something. If it is needed to run the start menu: too bad. I don't want SearchApp.exe to run, that is more important to me.I don't want any Microsoft search service to run. BTW, service 'Windows Search' is already turned off. Indexing service is turned off, Cortana is not to be found on my system probably I disabled or removed that earlier, somehow.Also, I don't need any Store App. None.If I ask an AI program, it says run

  2. Rose Cal Win User


    Hi Khaled,

    It is possible that you .exe is not working due to corrupted system files or account. To assist you better, kindly answer the following questions:

    • Does this happen with a specific application or with all of your application?
    • Have you tried creating a new admin account to check if the issue also with new account or only with the current account?

    In the meantime, we suggest that you follow the steps in this article on how
    to create a new admin account.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.
  3. Vesao Win User
    Remove account

    I suggest you backup your personalized files first before removing the account.
    To delete an account, follow these steps:
    1. Press WIN + X keys and click Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.
    2. Type the following command and press Enter. Replace test with the name of your sister's account. Code:
  4. How to remove SearchApp.exe?

    Safely Remove Hardware tool

    Thank you for the update, Murray. Since you mentioned that you've already tried running the rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll command to no avail, we suggest that you create a shortcut or even a batch file using the same command. Just run
    the shortcut or batch file and see if the Safely Remove Hardware dialog window will appear. To create a shortcut, follow these steps:

    • Right-click on the desktop and click on New > Shortcut.
    • In the Type the location of the item box, type in, or copy and paste the following command:
      • rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
    • Click Next and then give it a name like Safely Remove Hardware, and then click on

    Keep us in the loop.

How to remove SearchApp.exe?

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