Windows 10: unauthorized transaction

Discus and support unauthorized transaction in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I have a transaction without my permission. they hacked my paypal and they bought from you 249.9 xbox series it's not made by me how can I get my... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Iulian Crevelescu, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:17 AM.

  1. unauthorized transaction

    I have a transaction without my permission. they hacked my paypal and they bought from you 249.9 xbox series it's not made by me how can I get my money back

    Iulian Crevelescu, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:17 AM

  2. Unauthorized transactions

    To attract the attention of respondents who know something about your problem you might want to change your subject line to


    "Unauthorized transactions" in Microsoft Store
    Frederik Long, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:18 AM
  3. Unauthorized Transactions

    Our son has an X Box One system. For months we have had unauthorized charges to our checking account, we have changed debit cards many times and have used Federal Regulation E for Unauthorized transactions in Dec and Jan receiving credit for said itms.
    We changed our checking account and got a new debit card one week ago and up to today we had not seen any other Microsoft changes. Yet today we have around $70. Our son had no access to the new debit card number since we hide our new debit cards. How does
    Micros soft charge a new account tied to a new debit card?????? Pm;u a debit card set up in our son's account that is presented to our bank to match a checking account to charge said account is logical. Yet he did not have such debit card number. Microsoft
    certainly does no have out new checking account number. Once again we are going to dishonor the $70 in charges using Federal Regulation E.
  4. unauthorized transaction

    unauthorized charge

    I have an unauthorized charge on my card and I dont have any transactions on my microsoft account.
    Melissa Stone3, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:18 AM

unauthorized transaction

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    Unauthorized transactions: Help required