Windows 10: My computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...
Discus and support My computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and... in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; My computer crashes numerous times a day, it happens when I'm gaming and schoolwork. It doesn't go into a BSOD but it shuts off and turns back on... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by SimonUT, Nov 14, 2024 at 6:47 PM.
My computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...
My computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and... - Similar Threads - computer crashes numerous
My computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...
in Windows 10 GamingMy computer crashes numerous times a day. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...: My computer crashes numerous times a day, it happens when I'm gaming and schoolwork. It doesn't go into a BSOD but it shuts off and turns back on again. In event viewer I get event Id 6008 and Event 41, Kernel-power. I have the mini dump files here.... -
My computer crashes every now and again. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...
in Windows 10 GamingMy computer crashes every now and again. It doesn't go into a BSOD, but it shuts off and...: My computer crashes every now and again it happens when I'm gaming and schoolwork. It doesn't go into a BSOD but it shuts off and turns back on again. In event viewer I get event Id 6008 and Event 41, Kernel-power. I have the mini dump files here.... -
My computer crashes every now and again. It doesn't go into a BSOD and shuts off and turns...
in Windows 10 Software and AppsMy computer crashes every now and again. It doesn't go into a BSOD and shuts off and turns...: My computer crashes every now and again it happens when I'm gaming and schoolwork. It doesn't go into a BSOD but it shuts off and turns back on again. In event viewer I get event Id 6008 and Event 41, Kernel-power. I have the mini dump files here.... -
BSOD Numerous Times.
in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and DebuggingBSOD Numerous Times.: I have experienced several BSOD since working with Win 7 - many more than with years of using XP. My online reading suggested that Hibernate was to blame - I only had the problem after restarting from hibernate and had to ditch the recovery file to get the machine to restart.... -
Game crash numerous times
in Windows 10 Software and AppsGame crash numerous times: Sfc = no errorsChkdsk = no errorsAll drivers, windows all updated.Memtest ram = 10hours no errorsSpecs : 13900k CPU 4080 GPU 32gb ram z690 moboH150 elite CPU cooler 12 total fans. All temps good CPU 60 in-game gpu 40 in-gameI crash playing the division 2 numerous... -
Game crash numerous times
in Windows 10 GamingGame crash numerous times: Sfc = no errorsChkdsk = no errorsAll drivers, windows all updated.Memtest ram = 10hours no errorsSpecs : 13900k CPU 4080 GPU 32gb ram z690 moboH150 elite CPU cooler 12 total fans. All temps good CPU 60 in-game gpu 40 in-gameI crash playing the division 2 numerous... -
My computer crashes multiple times a day
in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and DebuggingMy computer crashes multiple times a day: My computer crashes multiple times a day normally BSOD saying memory management, unexpected store exception and kmode exception not handled. I've tried multiple troubleshoot but none have worked so far, nothing really appears to be triggering the BSOD it can happen right... -
Windows 10 BSOD numerous times a day
in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and DebuggingWindows 10 BSOD numerous times a day: I bought a new laptop a few weeks ago and I've gotten BSOD's numerous times everyday that I've used it. I've been through all of the troubleshooting tips and guides online, but nothing helps. I've installed a fresh copy of Windows, ran numerous scans, updated the BIOS,... -
Numerous BSOD crashes
in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and DebuggingNumerous BSOD crashes: Hi, I have been getting these BSOD crashes for sometime now and it has gotten to the point where it is really irritating. When I first installed Windows 10, it was an upgrade from Windows 7 pro. After getting the BSODs, I wiped my hard drive and installed 10 clean. It was...