Windows 10: KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine.

Discus and support KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine. in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; After the update of KB5043076, the MSR swipe on my HP device is no longer Parsing correctly. Can you provide any information as to why this might... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Dave_231, Oct 31, 2024 at 6:47 PM.

  1. Dave_231 Win User

    KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine.

    After the update of KB5043076, the MSR swipe on my HP device is no longer Parsing correctly. Can you provide any information as to why this might happen or a plan to fix it? After rolling back this KB, the swipe is working as expected.

  2. topgundcp Win User

    No MSR partition after converting from MBR to GPT a while back?

    Yes, we will rebuild the whole thing.

    Here's the steps:
    1. Copy this code and save it in a file called: EFI.txt to an external HD.
      IMPORTANT: The code uses Disk 0 on first line, make sure you use the same disk #, if not, change it.
      select disk 0
      convert GPT
      create partition primary size=499
      format quick fs=ntfs
      set id=DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC override
      gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
      create partition primary size=99
      format quick fs=FAT32
      set id=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B override
      create par MSR size=16
      list par
    2. Download Macrium Rescue disk ISO.: MacRescue.iso - Google Drive
      build a bootable USB, use: Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way
    3. Boot up the PC with the USB. NOTE: there are 2 boot up modes: USB-XXX and UEFI-USB-XXX
      Since your Windows is GPT, Must use: UEFI-USB-XXX
    4. Make a complete backup image of your current Windows Disk 0 including D: partition to the external HD.
      (Click on image this disk)
      Make sure you verify the image
    5. Next, Click on the command icon on the bottom left to open the command windows then type:
      diskpart /s Drive:\EFI.txt where Drive is the the drive letter of the external HD.
      This will create the 1st 3 partitions: 500MB Recovery, 100MB EFI System, 16MB MSR
    6. Go back to Macrium Windows, click on Backup tab, click on Refresh
    7. Next, click on Restore Tab and select the backup image created in step 4
      Select the destination disk (Disk 0)
    8. Drag the Cdrive from top row and drop to the empty space next to 16MB MSR, then drag D: and drop next to C:
      Click next->Finish
    9. Once restore completed. Click on "Fix Windows Boot problem". Follow the screen to rebuild the BCD.
    10. Reboot

    You should have: 499 MB Recovery, 99 EFI System, 16MB MSR and C drive + Drive (16MB MSR is hidden from Disk Management)
    Here's a screen shot without Drive D since I only have Windows partitions on disk 0

    KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine. 165764d1511786901t-no-msr-partition-after-converting-mbr-gpt-while-back-p1.jpg

    At this point your Windows Recovery Environment is broken, we will fix that next.

    If you have any question. Please ask !!!
  3. Brink Win User
    New way to swipe between YouTube videos on iOS

    Source: Announcement: New way to swipe between videos on iOS (6S and above) - YouTube Community

  4. KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine.

    April 2019 update - 3 fingers swiping gesture problem


    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    I understand that you are unable to use the three fingers swiping feature not working after updating the version of Windows. We will need some clarity on this issue to guide you accordingly. Hence, kindly respond to the questions

    1. What is the make and model of the PC?
    2. Which touchpad driver is installed on the PC?

    I would suggest you to check the gesture settings in the touchpad settings. Follow the steps to check for the gesture settings.

    1. Open Settings > Devices > Mouse.
    1. Now on the right hand side click on
      Additional mouse settings.
    2. Select the Device settings tab and click on

    We await your response.


    Prakhar Khare

    Microsoft Community – Moderator
    Prakhar_Khare, Oct 31, 2024 at 6:51 PM

KB5043076 Has affected MSR swiping on my machine.

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