Windows 10: Troubleshooot BSOD error

Discus and support Troubleshooot BSOD error in Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade to solve the problem; When I start my desktop, I receive stop code: Critical Process Died. Please help as the computer runs into an endless loop, and nothing can be done to... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Installation and Upgrade' started by n268148, Jul 4, 2024 at 11:32 AM.

  1. n268148 Win User

    Troubleshooot BSOD error

    When I start my desktop, I receive stop code: Critical Process Died. Please help as the computer runs into an endless loop, and nothing can be done to reverse it.

  2. Kursah Win User

    BSOD - Registry Error

    Your BSOD code is 0X000000051

    Here's the Google search I did for it:

    There is a hotfix available that might help,

    This thread makes a few good suggestions too:

    +1 to listing your full system specs, OS version, etc. I did only look at your BSOD log file.

    Run a Diskchk /R (I know you already ran one, so you can skip this)


    Report back.
  3. Getting BSOD 0x124 error

    Ignore what everone said here.

    0x124 BSOD is usually related to VCCIO (VTT), run Prime95 version 26.6 with custom sizes of 512K to 640K with 50% of your memory for at least 8 hours.

    If you get a 0x124 BSOD, increase VCCIO voltage by small steps, run Prime95 again until your stable.

    If you pass Prime95 512K to 640K without a BSOD, then its Vcore too low. I'd suggest running IntelBurnTest with 80% of your memory to verify stability (8 to 12 hours).

    Oh, and yeah, if this problem appeared all of the sudden, the reason is CPU degradation, you can prevent it by enabling C-States or adjust your overclock to use lower voltages.
    Regeneration, Jul 4, 2024 at 10:35 PM
  4. cplpro Win User

    Troubleshooot BSOD error

    7 different BSoD

    Hey guys,

    I have a serious problem. I make it as short as possible:

    • system runs 100 % fine with the 10.12
    • updatet to Catalyst 11.1 -> BSoD
    • updatet to 11.1 Hotfix -> BSoD
    • rollback to 10.12 -> BSoD
    • removed ALL AMD files manually, installed 10.12 -> BSoD
    • Temps are fine
    • no sfc /scannow errors
    • no chkdsk errors
    • Prime, Furmark all fine
    • regardless what driver I install -> BSoD
    • I did no hw changes, no OC
    Here are my BSoDs I receive:
    • 0x0000010e
    • 0x1000007e
    • 0x0000007e
    • 0x0000004e
    • 0x0000003b
    • dxgmms1.sys
    They all refer to the GPU of course ...

    From now on I receive a BSoD every time I try to play a game (especially BC2 and SC II) even if I completely remove the old driver and make a clean install.
    Apparently the 11.1 damaged my system irreparable.

    Any advice or info would be very much appreciated *Smile Troubleshooot BSOD error :)

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