Windows 10: Media Player not adding certain albums to the correct artist

Discus and support Media Player not adding certain albums to the correct artist in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I've got a couple albums on Media Player and some of them won't show on the artist page. Instead it puts it in the unknown artist tab. You can see in... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by CozyCatMusic, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:32 PM.

  1. Media Player not adding certain albums to the correct artist

    I've got a couple albums on Media Player and some of them won't show on the artist page. Instead it puts it in the unknown artist tab. You can see in the attachment below, it shows the contributing artist, but the album artist is, for some reason, the unknown artist.

  2. JoshBin Win User

    How do I change my artist profile picture in the new Windows 11 Media Player?

    Hi!. Josh here.

    I think what he means is the Album Artist, not the Album Art. If the issue is the Album Art, then what you have suggested is correct. But Album Artist is different.

    Album Artist is a picture of the artist that the user did not put there, but was downloaded automatically by Media Player. In my case, I always put Album Art on my music files, but Media Player does an extra step of adding a picture of the artist that appears alongside the Album Art when I play the music. And sometimes, Media Player gets the wrong picture.

    And when it gets it wrong, I would change the name for "Contributing Artists" (like add a character) so that Media Player would remove the wrong picture and leave it blank instead.

    So I guess this concern is not yet resolved. Currently, I don't see an option to manually add or select an Album Artist image for Media Player.
  3. Steve C Win User
    Groove Shows Unknown Artist & Unknown Album

    I solved it by doing the following! I'm not sure which step cracked the problem.

    1. Set indexing to index the content of my music files by right clicking on the top level folder, setting the option and applying to all files and sub-folders
    2. Rebuilt the index via the Control Panel Indexing options
    3. Deleted the folders watched in Groove
    4. Deleted the Groove database at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.ZuneMusic_<random>\LocalState\Database
    5. Started Groove
    6. Reassigned the folders to watch

    All songs now appear with the right artist & album but some album art was missing in Groove and Media Player despite being displayed correctly in iTunes. I manually updated the missing album art in Media Player and Groove then synchronised to match the Media Player album art.
  4. Media Player not adding certain albums to the correct artist

    Tracks of an album on Media Player listed out of order

    One of the albums I have on Media Player is listing the tracks out of order, with a good portion seemingly removed from the list and then added below it. Specifically, the list shows track numbers 5, 6, 10, 17, 31, 33, 34, 44, 45, 52, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 71, 72, 74, 85, 93, 97-100, 103, 106, 111, 113, 136, 141, and then the rest of the tracks starting with the ones skipped earlier.

    I have gone through the file properties, and every track file is in the same folder and share the same contributing artists, album artist, and album title. I have refreshed libraries from the settings so see if that would correct the arrangement, which it did not. As far as I can tell, this error occurred only after Media Player replaced Groove Music.

Media Player not adding certain albums to the correct artist

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