Windows 10: Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption

Discus and support Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hello, i got a BSOD randomly while using my PC today, does anyone know what the cause might be?this is the latest dmp file:... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by K R163, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. K R163 Win User

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption

    Hello, i got a BSOD randomly while using my PC today, does anyone know what the cause might be?this is the latest dmp file:

    K R163, Jun 12, 2024
  2. KCamille Win User

    BSOD Critical Structure Corruption

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption [​IMG]

    And there were no yellow or exclamation points in Device Manager....just a long list of items repeated which I don't understand why.

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption [​IMG]

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption [​IMG]

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption [​IMG]

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption [​IMG]

    I did zip the last full Memory Dump and uploaded it to Google Drive. Link was in previous post. Did it not work? Although I can reboot into normal state to really use computer without BSOD Crit Struc Corrup I need to stay in safe mode.
    KCamille, Jun 12, 2024
  3. wx8348 Win User
    BSOD, Critical Structure Corruption

    Dear Ztruker,

    Thanks so much for the help.

    I removed the two 1GB memory modules and run the machine with two 2GB memory modules as you suggested. Unfortunately, the computer still experiences similar frequency of "Critical Structure Corruption" and BSOD. I have attached the updated dump file to help further troubleshoot.

    I have also did the memory test with memtest86. As shown in the image below, no errors were found for the RAMs.
    Attachment 97532

    In the past with Windows 7, this computer was very reliable. I haven't seen BSOD with this computer with Windows 7. The BSOD issues arose only after I updated the computer to Windows 10. Since last post, I have also updated the computer to the latest Windows 10 version with "Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant". But the upgrade did not solve the BSOD (critical structure corruption) either.

    Could you provide further suggestions? Your help is much appreciated!
    wx8348, Jun 12, 2024
  4. Samarsky1 Win User

    Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption

    BSOD Critical Structure Corruption Windows 10


    Could you please help me with my Critical Structure Corruption on Windows 10

    My DUMP files OneDrive
    Samarsky1, Jun 12, 2024

Windows 10 [BSOD] Critical Structure Corruption

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