Windows 10: Windows keeps randomly rebooting

Discus and support Windows keeps randomly rebooting in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; This usually happens when I alt-tab from a game during the loading screen. I have attempted fresh driver install and reset windows to resolve the... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Matt P_98, Jun 4, 2024.

  1. Matt P_98 Win User

    Windows keeps randomly rebooting

    This usually happens when I alt-tab from a game during the loading screen. I have attempted fresh driver install and reset windows to resolve the issues but it is still present and happens about 2-3 times a day. When I search event viewer it shows the Error: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000116 0xffffc886e9c24050, 0xfffff80082ba8b40, 0xffffffffc000009a, 0x0000000000000004. A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 4cffa9f1-e7

    Matt P_98, Jun 4, 2024
  2. Chewy Win User

    windows explorer keeps rebooting

    I took my comp out of the case yesterday because I wanted to get started on painting/modding the chassis.. on first boot I had this issue but after I restarted my comp it went away. Today I go to turn it on and when it gets in windows it just constantly says windows explorer stopped responding and just keeps rebooting windows explorer non stop.

    I tried starting windows in safe mod but than it still keeps rebooting and even faster since the system is faster in safe mode.. well when I force shutdown last message that pops up before it turns off is like this.

    "0000-00000- something something - cannot read memory" something similar to that.

    the mobo is on top of the mobo box I plugged everything back in perfectly but ofc as usual my comp gives me problems.. or just vista lol I dont think my computer likes vista for its always given me problems but this is the software I want to use and wil not go back to xp since it has no dx10.

    my mobo has a little bend in it from my zalman 9500 cpu cooler backplate, but I would think that if the memory/ram does not have perfect contact than he comp would not work...

    Anyone have suggestions they will be appreciated, I have a headache now lol.
    Chewy, Jun 4, 2024
  3. xXTenXx Win User
    PC Randomly Reboots

    Just recently, my PC started to randomly reboot, to start it was once every other day, and know every few minutes.
    Any suggestions to rectify this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    xXTenXx, Jun 4, 2024
  4. Windows keeps randomly rebooting

    Hyper-V VM keeps randomly rebooting itself?

    So I'm using the Hyper-V manager to run a separate instance of Windows 10 under Windows 10. For some reason, it just randomly reboots itself, while you're in the middle of work. No warnings, no dialog that it's about to reboot, it just reboots with no warning. It's not a failure, it goes through the steps of properly shutting down the VM, but it just gives you no choice in the matter. Any idea what could be causing this?
    BlackJacques, Jun 4, 2024

Windows keeps randomly rebooting

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